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Canadian Mennonites help Greek Catholics in Ukraine restore church

The former Mennonite church building in the village of Snegurovka, Ukraine, is now being renovated for the use of a Greek Catholic congregation. (Mennonite World Conference photo)

With the help of Canadian Mennonites, a Greek Catholic congregation is now meeting in a former Mennonite church in Ukraine. (Mennonite World Conference photo)

In Ukraine a former Mennonite church building is being restored and transformed – with the help of Canadian Mennonites – into a Greek Catholic church.

This development, according to observers, is an example of Mennonite-Catholic collaboration in the spirit of other exchanges over the past decade or so.

Naomi’s colouring recital

When Naomi Martin was three years old, she declared, “Mommy, I’m going to have a colouring recital.” Her mother, Sarah Martin, asked her what a colouring recital was, and Naomi’s response was simple, “A colouring recital is where everyone can come and see how good I can colour.” Her mother dismissed the idea as cute, but over the next several months, Naomi and her five-year-old sister Abigail h

American Mennonites attended past TRC event

A crowd gathers for the Survivors Walk into the PNE (Pacific National Exhibition) Coliseum in Vancouver, B.C., on Day One of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s British Columbia National Event. (Credit: Melissa Knapp, provided by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission)

In the fall of 2013 a Mennonite delegation of six Americans and Canadians went to Vancouver, B.C., for a Truth and Reconciliation event.

One thing lacking

I had a great idea for starting this sermon—a PowerPoint presentation of artists’ depictions of this Bible story. I could imagine the paintings: a man in beautiful robes running and kneeling before Jesus, or the dramatic moment of Jesus looking at the man with love, or the man reacting to Jesus’ words with a sad expression on his face.
