young voices

From thesis to exhibition

When I interviewed her in her studio overlooking Winnipeg’s historic Exchange District, artist Chantel Mierau was hard at work putting together materials for her first-ever solo exhibit. The video installation was opening in two weeks (it opened on March 1), and Mierau still had some minor video editing to do. She was also sewing sheets to project her videos onto.

Intentional Communities: Words of Wisdom Pt.2

Last year I had the opportunity to interview numerous people living in intentional communities across Ontario. The following are words of experience and wisdom from people who strive to love their neighbours -- PART TWO! See my earlier post for PART ONE. For those of you who are unsure of how to start serving and getting to know your neighbours, I think you’ll find this helpful. May it encouragement to all of us to love our neighbours too

Charitable status - take it or leave it?

Well, I’m back after some time away from this blog, and I must admit, I’ve missed writing and posting here! For my first post back, I thought I’d weigh in on the controversy surrounding the Canada Revenue Agency’s “reminder” to the Canadian Mennonite about the supposedly politically “partisan” nature of some of its articles. The magazine had allegedly exceeded the CRA’s limit of 10% when it came to “politically partisan” content.

Human rights

“The states, parties to the present covenant, recognize the right of everyone to an adequate standard of living for himself and his family, including adequate food, clothing and housing, and to the continuous improvement of living conditions.”

(Article 11, International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights)

Intentional Communities: Words of Wisdom Pt.1

Last year I had the opportunity to interview numerous people living in intentional communities across Ontario. The following are words of experience and wisdom from people who strive to love their neighbours. For those of you who are unsure of of how to start serving and getting to know your neighbours, I think you’ll find this helpful. May it encouragement to all of us to love our neighbours too

Getting to Meet/Know/Serve Our Neighbours

Redemptive Moments Pt. 1

Once again I am sitting in The Beanery, a coffee shop about two steps from my apartment, with my roommate and friend Julia, and once again we are discussing what we identify as the 'world's problems'. Using ideas and theories we've learned in sociology, english, art theory and various other classes, we're forming and sharing opinions together in between our homework assignments. Unfortunately, once again, it has begun to feel as though these big issues that mostly deal with systemic inequality and oppression are in fact too big for us.

On not buying Buy Nothing Christmas

Christmas is by now long over and I am, as always, sad about it. I love the candles, the cookies, the darkness complete and frozen outside the window, and the hymns, stuck in my head all year long, finally sung with family and friends. I love the familiar biblical words breathing new life into my day-to-day and, of course, It’s A Wonderful Life right before bed. These are the memories I love-- the moments I look forward to most and I can’t help but be sad when they come to a close.

Miracles Are Possible

At this point in the Mennonite Church, the miracle of God’s son being born into this world. can be considered a common conversation. It is one of the major stories of hope that we celebrate. A much rarer conversation, though, is how Christmas hope translates into how we live out the holiday seasons, and how this hope is meant to affect all of our relationships.


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