
Doubt has a good public relations manager these days. The world seems awash with books, articles, sermons, even a few TED talks, praising its beneficial goodness. I too have tried... Read More
May 17, 2017 | Viewpoints | Troy Watson
The Isaac S. Wiens real estate office in Herbert, Sask., is pictured in 1911. Wiens (1874-1958), left, was born in Russia and came to Canada as an infant. His family became part... Read More
May 17, 2017 | Viewpoints | Conrad Stoesz
Years ago, I needed some practical help. A person close to me—someone who had the ability to lend a hand—saw my need and said repeatedly, “I wish I could help, but I can’t. I feel... Read More
May 3, 2017 | Editorial | Will Braun
An appeal from MennoMedia’s Canadian board members At our most recent MennoMedia board meeting, executive director Russ Eanes predicted that our organization is at the forefront... Read More
May 3, 2017 | Viewpoints |
On August 28, 1963, Martin Luther King Jr. spoke of his dream. His dream was that people would be judged by the content of their character and not the colour of their skin. His... Read More
May 3, 2017 | Viewpoints | Garry Janzen
A bride walking down the aisle to meet her groom is always a moment of anticipation and honour. The groom beams with joy. Perhaps he gives her a wink or sheds a tear. The bride... Read More
May 3, 2017 | Viewpoints | Ryan Jantzi
Terry Martens believes that rice pudding is comfort food. It reminds her of her childhood when she would arrive home from school on winter afternoons to the smell of rice pudding... Read More
May 3, 2017 | Viewpoints |
Terry Martens of Hoffnungsfelder Mennonite Church, Sask., volunteers with Mennonite Disaster Service (MDS) as a cook. She often uses this recipe when cooking for MDS volunteers... Read More
May 3, 2017 | Viewpoints |
Mennonite Church Canada has created lasting relationships with indigenous communities such as Cross Lake, Man. In 1943, Henry Gerbrandt served the community in fulfilling his... Read More
May 3, 2017 | Viewpoints | Conrad Stoesz
The saying goes, “There are two gifts we should give our children: one is roots, the other is wings.” My husband and I encouraged our children to fly and prayed we gave them roots... Read More
May 3, 2017 | Viewpoints | Shirley Redekop
Anxiety about change abounds. It is a natural response to uncertainty, but I tire of reading about it. Newly taking up my role as publisher of this magazine, I would like to be... Read More
April 19, 2017 | Editorial | Tobi Thiessen
‘Apocalyptic threshold’ is more than a few degrees Re: “ Are we living in the last millennium ?” Dec. 12, 2016, page 8, Phil Wagler’s column is a reminder that apocalyptic... Read More
April 19, 2017 | Viewpoints |
The times we live in seem to change more rapidly with each passing day. In North America, Europe and elsewhere, protectionist sentiments, growing nationalism and increased border... Read More
April 19, 2017 | Viewpoints | Willard Metzger
“This isn’t really working out the way I imagined,” I mused, as my mother slept in her chair while I worked on her birthday dessert. I had just ended a phone call with my son, my... Read More
April 19, 2017 | Viewpoints | Melissa Miller
Just imagine you are there, sitting on the hillside, listening to Jesus. It’s past mealtime and your stomach starts to rumble, but his words mesmerize you and you don’t want to... Read More
April 19, 2017 | Viewpoints | Sherri Grosz
Firefighting in British Columbia was one of the tasks assigned to Canadian conscientious objectors (COs) during the Second World War. They were ‘the best firefighters we ever had... Read More
April 19, 2017 | Viewpoints | Conrad Stoesz
So how does one enrol as an apprentice in the School of Divine Wisdom? The Bible tells us there are a few prerequisites. The first one is found in Proverbs 4:7: “The beginning of... Read More
April 19, 2017 | Viewpoints | Troy Watson
My church experience has included at least 13 Mennonite churches, a Baptist church, an inter-denominational church and two Catholic schools. That represents more worship services... Read More
April 5, 2017 | Editorial | Will Braun
‘The faith of our fathers lives on’ There used to be a hymn we sang in our congregation: “Faith of our Fathers, Living Still.” As a person ages, one has more memories from the... Read More
April 5, 2017 | Viewpoints |
At my first Mennonite Church Alberta assembly as area church minister, one of my official tasks was to offer a prayer of release to Calgary Vietnamese Mennonite Church. It was one... Read More
April 5, 2017 | Viewpoints | Tim Wiebe-Neufeld
We must not hand them back. Others before us fought long and hard to get them back into our hands. Through blood, sweat and tears, they were returned to the rightful owners. And... Read More
April 5, 2017 | Viewpoints | Ryan Jantzi
Boys on horseback pose in front of the main entrance to the Ailsa Craig Boys Farm, a home for troubled boys, in the 1960s. The farm, begun in 1955, was the brainchild of Jack Wall... Read More
April 5, 2017 | Viewpoints | Laureen Harder-Gissing
It’s been a good eight-year ride, my friends, with a few bumps along the way. I will miss this biweekly meeting with you on the second page of Canadian Mennonite . While it’s been... Read More
March 22, 2017 | Editorial |
That’s not who we are . . . as Mennonites or Muslims Re: “ A not-so-pure depiction of Mennonites ,” Feb. 13, page 20. I read with interest the various online responses by... Read More
March 22, 2017 | Viewpoints |
When communicating about the ministries of Mennonite Church Canada Witness, my former colleague Al Rempel used to tell me, “Help your listeners imagine the work that is being done... Read More
March 22, 2017 | Viewpoints | Tim Froese
