News & Stories

Firas Hamlawi, right, a volunteer and Rifqah Hamlawi, center, a staff member, with MCC partner Al-Najd Developmental Forum, helped distribute food packages and bedding to families displaced by the current violence in the Gaza Strip. (Photo courtesy of Al-Najd Developmental Forum)

The first thing they said was “Can you help us help?” recalls Sarah Funkhouser, who, together with her husband, Seth Malone, is Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) representative... Read More
November 3, 2023 | Web First | Jason Dueck

Elisa Humphreys (left) stands with Harold Friesen of the MDS Alberta Unit. They are joined by Sky and Jared Wesly and their children, Jack and Olivia. (Supplied photo)

Elisa Humphreys was sitting on her couch in her home in Carstairs, Alberta, when she got the emergency alert about the tornado. It was July 1 and Humphreys, 63, who manages... Read More
November 3, 2023 | Web First | John Longhurst

Judith McCartney (front right) with youth leaders she works with. (Supplied photo)

During her community outreach work, Judith McCartney will typically ask people: “Did you know Christ walked 22,000 miles in his lifetime of ministry?” McCartney believes in... Read More
November 2, 2023 | News | Madalene Arias

Palestinians inspect the ruins of Aklouk Tower, destroyed in Israeli airstrikes in Gaza City. (Wikimedia Commons photo by apaimages)

First-hand from Gaza The following is a string of messages received by a reader of Canadian Mennonite who worked in Israel-Palestine. She received the messages on October 30 from... Read More
November 2, 2023 | News |

César García. (CM file photo)

“We, nosotros , we saved Colombia from being handed over to communists!” Those were the words of a celebrity pastor from a Colombian mega-church, spoken to a cheering crowd in... Read More
November 2, 2023 | News | César García

Shel Boese is the new executive minister of Mennonite Church B.C. (Photo by Amy Rinner Waddell)

At the time of assuming his new role as executive minister of Mennonite Church B.C. in August, Shel Boese recalls being asked about his vision for MC B.C. “It doesn’t matter what... Read More
November 2, 2023 | News | Amy Rinner Waddell

Helmut Lemke

Getting old was not something I looked forward to. The shift from being someone who gives to someone who receives requires adjustment, but with God’s help we can prepare for... Read More
November 2, 2023 | News | Helmut Lemke

‘Strong lay leaders are not optional,’ says theologian Carol Penner. (Photo by Emily Summach)

Leading worship was the focus of a two-day workshop organized by Mennonite Church Saskatchewan last month. More than 30 pastors and lay leaders attended “Called to Be a Worship... Read More
November 2, 2023 | News | Emily Summach

Curtis Wiens (left) stands at the front of Aberdeen Mennonite Church as Gary Peters speaks at his ordination. (Supplied photo)

October was a big month for pastoral leadership in Mennonite Church Saskatchewan as two young pastors, Rodney Hennessey and Curtis Wiens, were ordained by their congregations. “It... Read More
November 2, 2023 | News | Emily Summach

Mark Tiessen-Dyck (right) recruited Susianty Braun to lead the food preparation for Altona Bergthaler Mennonite Church’s community meal. (Supplied photo)

Members of a southern Manitoba church are offering the residents of their town a free monthly meal, served with a side of fellowship and fun. Altona Bergthaler Mennonite Church... Read More
November 2, 2023 | News | Aaron Epp

Saskatchewan youth doing crafts. (Photo courtesy of Kirsten Hamm-Epp)

On September 29, 18 participants gathered in Saskatoon to kick off the Mennonite Church Saskatchewan youth programming year. The youth got to know one another in a variety of ways... Read More
November 2, 2023 | News | Kirsten Hamm-Epp

(Graphic by Betty Avery)

Theology, Spirituality The Beginning of the Story: Understanding the Old Testament in the Story of Scripture. Timothy J. Geddert. Herald Press, 2023, 208 pages. The Old Testament... Read More
November 1, 2023 | Focus On Books & Resources | Barb Draper

Bears and Blankets care kits. (Photo by Anna Winger)

Jan Steven, a commissioned chaplain with Mennonite Church Eastern Canada, has found a new way to show care for seniors in long term care facilities. The new venture starts with... Read More
October 31, 2023 | News | Maria H. Klassen

Ed Fast

Parliament narrowly defeated a bill that would have prevented the expansion of eligibility for medical assistance in dying (MAID). On October 18, 167 MPs voted against Bill C-314... Read More
October 31, 2023 | News | Will Braun
Scroll down for a recording of a webinar that Canadian Mennonite hosted on Wednesday, October 25, 2023. Titled "Life and Death Matters: Exploring Medical Assistance in Dying," the... Read More
October 27, 2023 | Past Events |
This content has been removed at the request of the person who provided it who fears for her well being.Read More
October 20, 2023 | Web-only | Canadian Mennonite Staff

This photo comes from the friend of a member of the Mennonite Church Manitoba Palestine-Israel Network. It shows the remains of the house next to that of the sender in Gaza, which was recently bombed, killing 17 people. (Supplied photo)

Yousef Alkhouri Yousef Alkhouri is a Palestinian Christian from Gaza. He is a lecturer at Bethlehem Bible College, though is currently studying in Europe. He visited Canada last... Read More
October 19, 2023 | News |

Saskatchewan youth doing crafts. (Photo courtesy of Kirsten Hamm-Epp)

On September 29, 18 participants gathered in Saskatoon to kickoff the Mennonite Church Saskatchewan youth programming year. The youth got to know one another in a variety of ways... Read More
October 19, 2023 | News | Kirsten Hamm-Epp

ICAME’s refugee support program in Quito, Ecuador. (Photo courtesy of ICAME/MWC)

In August, Iglesia Cristiana Anabautista Menonita de Ecuador (ICAME) published a statement calling for prayers amid escalating violence in the country. Alexandra Meneses, who... Read More
October 19, 2023 | News | Madalene Arias

Rod Suderman, in recliner, surrounded by members of Emmanuel Mennonite Church. (Photo by Amy Rinner Waddell)

Rod Suderman, lead pastor of Emmanuel Mennonite Church in Abbotsford, B.C., died on Sept. 2 following a cancer diagnosis earlier this year. He had also served as a pastor in... Read More
October 19, 2023 | News | Amy Rinner Waddell
Mennonite teachings tend to promote complete nonviolence, stating or implying that all else is wrong. Officially, we live by nonviolence alone, but in reality, we live about the... Read More
October 19, 2023 | News | Howard Boldt

(Unsplash photo by Natilyn Photography)

During three decades of travel to the U.S. for work, I’ve enjoyed many conversations about faith and politics. These discussions have become more polarized in recent years, with... Read More
October 19, 2023 | News | James Barber

Book cover

Green growth, or green capitalism, is hailed as a novel, inventive solution to the climate crisis. But green growth assumes business as usual—a continuation of our current system... Read More
October 19, 2023 | News | Sarah Augustine and Sheri Hostetler

Last May, the Sargent Junior Choir performed ‘The Agape League,’ a musical about the fruit of the spirit. (Supplied photo)

It’s a Wednesday evening and the two dozen children gathered in a room at the back of Sargent Avenue Mennonite Church in Winnipeg are singing about candy-coated chocolate. “Mommy... Read More
October 19, 2023 | News | Aaron Epp

(Bethlehem Bible College photo)

Dear praying friends of Bethlehem Bible College from around the world, In the midst of these challenging times, I want to reach out to you with a heartfelt request. Our country is... Read More
October 11, 2023 | News |
