
Growing old with grace and gratitude

Staff of Menno Place bade farewell to Ingrid Schultz, right, along with fellow chaplain Ingrid Stahl, who both retired at the same time over the summer. (Photo courtesy of Ingrid Schultz)

Ingrid Schultz, who recently retired as one of three chaplains at Menno Place in Abbotsford, will never forget the succinct advice one of her instructors told her during chaplaincy training: “Shut your mouth and open your heart.”

University Menno Office damaged by fire

WINNIPEG—The Inter-Mennonite Chaplaincy Association's Menno Office suffered extensive smoke and water damage after a fire blazed outside the University of Manitoba’s University Centre on March 13. No one was injured in the fire, but the Menno Office will be unavailable for use for at least six months during restoration, with the possibility of being permanently relocated to another building on campus, separating it from its neighbouring chaplaincies.

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