News & Stories

MaryLou Driedger drew on her own life experience to write her new book. (Photo by Aaron Epp)

There was no magic lamp or genie involved when MaryLou Driedger made her wish, just a felt tip marker and a famous pond. In 1991, the Manitoba writer’s family visited Walden Pond... Read More
June 15, 2023 | News | Aaron Epp

Dan Driediger with one of his 42-inch map printers. (Supplied photo)

When Dan Driediger closes his eyes, he sees rivers, rises and roads. His unique photographic memory comes in handy. Driediger is a cartographer: He creates, prints and sells maps... Read More
June 15, 2023 | News | Emily Summach

Seated (left to right): Henry Fast, George Epp, Edith (Koop) Krahn, Gertrude (Janzen) deKleine, Myrna Zacharias. Standing: Henry Schroeder, Richard Epp, Peter Neufeld, Harold Epp, Sigrid (Martynes) Warkentin, Guenther Toews, Rudy Dahl (partially hidden), Evelyn (Janzen) Roden, Peter Rempel, Violet (Schapansky) Atwell, Tony Funk, Art Hildebrand, Verna (Wiens) Ewert, Ken Rempel, Edna (Friesen) Koop, Elsie (Bergen) Epp, Caroline Martens-Clappison, Ruby (Isaac) Harder, Barry Toews, Mervin Dyck (partially hidden), Eileen (Epp) Ewert, Walter Klassen, Elsbeth (Epp) Moyer, Ed Bergen. (Photo by Henry Schroeder)

To the sounds of much laughter, along with moments of sadness, the Rosthern Junior College (RJC) class of 1960 met in Saskatoon on May 18-19 to mark 63 years since graduation... Read More
June 15, 2023 | News | Henry Fast

Pinegrove Place in Richmond, B.C. (Photo by Frank Dawson)

A little-known Mennonite mission, hidden away in a quiet residential neighbourhood on the flats of Richmond, B.C., celebrated its fortieth anniversary on June 7. Pinegrove Place,... Read More
June 15, 2023 | News | Andre Pekovich

Skies ablaze over the airtanker base in Edson, Alberta on May 5. (Photo by Art Koop)

Art Koop was cleaning up after teaching his last class of the day when the emergency alert blared from his cell phone. The message called for an immediate, mandatory evacuation. A... Read More
June 15, 2023 | News | Emily Summach

‘It’s always been about making space to listen,’ says Sarah Hodges-Kolisnyk, director at MHC Gallery. (Photo by Aaron Epp)

Sarah Hodges-Kolisnyk approaches art through the lens of storytelling. “My journey as an artist and a curator has always been linked to exploring the world and sharing stories... Read More
June 1, 2023 | News | Aaron Epp

When this vacant home was destroyed by fire, the MCC Furniture Thrift Store next door was forced to close for a month. (Photo by Aaron Epp)

A recent fire forced the Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) Furniture Thrift Store in Winnipeg to temporarily close its doors due to smoke and water damage. A vacant house beside... Read More
June 1, 2023 | News | Nicolien Klassen-Wiebe

Mennonites in a train car en route from Russia to Canada in 1923. (Photo by Arthur Slagel, courtesy of Mennonite Heritage Archives)

Nearly 100 years have passed since 21,000 Mennonites fled disease, starvation and violence in some of the same areas now experiencing war in Ukraine. Many came to Southern... Read More
June 1, 2023 | News | Sherry Sawatzky-Dyck
A serving of soup, with book discussion for dessert, are on the menu every Thursday in May and June as part of the Books and Borscht series at the Mennonite Heritage Museum in... Read More
June 1, 2023 | News | Amy Rinner Waddell

Anita Shevchuk is eager for a new future. (Photo courtesy of Anita Shevchuk)

When 19-year-old Anita Shevchuk found herself in the streets of downtown Toronto in the summer of 2022, she held onto her faith in God and her then-husband’s promise that... Read More
June 1, 2023 | News | Madalene Arias

People visit outside following a service at a Mennonite Brethren church in Kikwit, Democratic Republic of Congo. (Justin Makangara/MCC/Fairpicture)

Ever since survivors of brutal fighting in the Kasai region of the Democratic Republic of Congo fled to the city of Kikwit in 2017, the Mennonite Brethren Church has been... Read More
June 1, 2023 | News | Linda Espenshade

Amanda has worked at The Raw Carrot since its inception nine years ago. (Photo Courtesy of The Raw Carrot)

A simple job creation project that started with two women’s concern for a young church member is now seeking new church partners to expand beyond its four current locations. It... Read More
June 1, 2023 | News | Diane Talbot-Schoenhoff
Mennonite Church Canada will provide grants to congregations that wish to upgrade their facilities in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Grants will cover 50 percent of... Read More
June 1, 2023 | News |

Yael, a Grade 7 student from Calgary, won third in the Original Artwork category for her piece, “The story of Christmas.” (Photo courtesy of Menno Simons Christian School)

Canadian Mennonite received seven awards from the Canadian Christian Communicators Association in May. Troy Watson received first place in the Column category for Life in the... Read More
June 1, 2023 | News |

Ernie Regehr (Photo courtesy of Conrad Grebel University College)

Ernie Regehr—a prominent Canadian voice on disarmament and peacebuilding for over 40 years—shared his unique analysis of the Ukraine conflict at Grace Mennonite Church in St... Read More
May 18, 2023 | News | Maria H. Klassen

Members of Shalom Worship and Healing Centre lead worship. (MCEC photo by Paul Schmidt)

At its annual gathering, Mennonite Church Eastern Canada welcomed new congregations, announced a break from status quo spending and heard bold challenges from Fanosie Legesse and... Read More
May 18, 2023 | News | Will Braun

Joan Perrott (left), Dolly Jeffares, Marah Rafih and Sana Almotlak at the 2020 Great Winter Warm-up event in Edmonton. (Photo by Donita Wiebe-Neufeld)

Decolonization, interfaith dialogue, intersectionality—these terms can feel heady and intimidating, but Suzanne Gross says they can all happen through the well-practiced Mennonite... Read More
May 18, 2023 | News | Emily Summach

Coffee beans drying outside at the Malipayon Peace Hub. (Photo by Dorothea Enns)

Over brunch on Sunday, April 23, at Niagara United Mennonite Church in Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario, two members of the church shared about the Mennonite Church Canada learning... Read More
May 18, 2023 | News | Maria H. Klassen

A scene from Women Talking. (Photo by Michael Gibson/Orion Pictures)

An Abbotsford audience had the chance to view and discuss Women Talking , the film that has generated buzz in both Mennonite and Hollywood circles. The movie had not been shown in... Read More
May 18, 2023 | News | Amy Rinner Waddell

Mark Leistra, Leola Roth and Owen Roth enjoy an intergenerational supper together. (Supplied photo)

While cousins Adam and Owen Roth had grown to “love the Grebel community,” as first-year students at Conrad Grebel University College, one crucial thing was missing from their new... Read More
May 18, 2023 | News | Farah Jurdi

Cyndi Nickerson (left) and Marie Haak (right)

Between conversation and quiche, B.C. women were inspired, touched and encouraged as they heard one another’s stories at this year’s Women’s Day. The Mennonite Church B.C. annual... Read More
May 18, 2023 | News | Amy Rinner Waddell

Joni S. Sancken speaks at Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary earlier this year. (AMBS photo by Kayla Holdread)

A new book aims to help Christians process collective traumas. In All Our Griefs to Bear , seminary professor Joni S. Sancken suggests practices that church leaders and members... Read More
May 18, 2023 | Focus on Mental Health | Aaron Epp

(Photo courtesy of Mike Janzen)

If Mike Janzen hadn’t been thirsty one night seven years ago, it’s possible he wouldn’t have recorded his three most recent albums. In 2021, the Toronto singer-songwriter released... Read More
May 18, 2023 | Focus on Mental Health | Aaron Epp

Linda Redekop, left, and Maria Rigby have been part of Ottawa Mennonite Church's refugee resettlement work since its start. (Photo by Carla Klassen)

For more than 20 years, a refugee support group at Ottawa Mennonite Church has used an unusual fundraising method that has allowed it to provide hundreds of thousands of dollars... Read More
May 4, 2023 | News | Carla Klassen

(istock photo by doidam10)

From households clustered around computer screens to sanctuaries filled with people, church services have taken a variety of forms since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic... Read More
May 4, 2023 | News | Emma Siemens
