
Purple hair

Perhaps it was inspiration from Jenny Joseph’s poem “Warning”: “When I am an old woman, I shall wear purple.” When I first heard it decades ago, I didn’t imagine it would apply to me at any stage of my life. Interestingly, Joseph wrote the poem when she was just 29 years old.

Camp is only the beginning

Is it camp that needs its staff or is it the staff that need camp? Time and time again I have heard teens tell their faith story by beginning with, “I grew up in a Christian home, but camp is where it really all started.” I have a hunch that the people who choose to work at a summer camp really need the community in order to grow, whether they are aware of that when they apply or not.

Ways we warm each other’s hearts

Lora Braun, a music therapist and member of Morden (Man.) Mennonite Church, standing with guitar, sings her ‘Wild Hope’ song at the Mennonite Women Canada annual general meeting in Winnipeg on July 4, as part of MC Canada’s Assembly 2014.

Liz Koop

On July 4, following the Mennonite Women Canada annual business meeting in Winnipeg, more than 80 women gathered for a program of choral music and inspirational talks by three Manitoba women, Sandy Hung, Anne Heinrichs and Lora Braun, who focussed on the Mennonite Church Canada assembly theme, “Wild hope: Faith for an unknown season.” The program was a highlight for many and featured an origina

The deadly sin of greed

On a perfectly lovely summer day last month, I joined a couple hundred people for a worship service on the edges of a wheat field. The crop on the field is dedicated to the work of the Canadian Foodgrains Bank. Each year, individual farmers from Catholic, Lutheran and Mennonite churches join with local seed, fertilizer and insurance businesses to produce a crop.

Take time to listen

Canada has conscientiously gained a worldwide reputation as a donor country to a variety of humanitarian and beneficial causes. Private enterprises like nongovernmental organizations, churches and charities, as well as government institutions, steadily strive to make a difference in a variety of acute human crises that demand action around the world.

As long as the rivers flow

One repeated theme at the conference was an abysmal lack in the regulatory system. Would a slowdown or moratorium be in order while nature is given a chance to ‘catch its breath’?

A map of the Alberta oil sands.

When Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) Alberta asked Adrienne Wiebe and me to attend the May 31-June 1 conference on the Alberta oil sands and treaty rights in Fort McMurray, it was with mixed feelings.


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