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COMMENTARY: Preaching in the shadow of the Trayvon Martin verdict

Preaching on the Sunday morning after the George Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin verdict seemed daunting. It turned out not to be so.

The worship bulletin was already printed. Hymns had been chosen. So were the readings from the Revised Common Lectionary. It seemed perfectly served up for a guest preacher like me rewriting the sermon on the fly.

Ex-president Morsi

On the first anniversary of his inauguration as Egypt’s first ever elected president Mohamed Morsi found himself facing demonstrations, unprecedented in size, demanding his dismissal. At times it felt as if the entire population was on the streets, the vast majority asking Morsi to go.

ANALYSIS: A cultural wave on gay marriage reaches the US Supreme Court

Sometimes a court opinion is more than just a court opinion.

Justice Anthony Kennedy’s 26-page decision Wednesday (June 26) striking down a federal ban on same-sex marriages offers a window into Americans’ rapidly shifting views of same-sex relationships — a shift that increasingly relies on matters of law and fairness, not moral or religious views.

Temporary Housing for Flood Victims

The house on the bottom right corner belongs to Erinne Wolfe, a member of Trinity Mennonite Church. She is scheduled to leave for Europe on Thursday but can’t get into her house to retrieve her passport. They tried to get through yesterday but weren’t successful, according to Rita Janzen.

Editor's Note:  With our Alberta correspondent, Donita Wiebe-Neufeld, on sabbatical, we asked Rita Janzen to give a first person account as an update to after-flood conditions in High River. This is her story.

Ex-gay group Exodus International shuts down, president apologizes

Exodus International, a group that bills itself as “the oldest and largest Christian ministry dealing with faith and homosexuality,” announced late Wednesday (June 19) that it’s shutting its doors.

Exodus’s board unanimously agreed to close the ministry and begin a separate one, though details about a new ministry focused on gender and sexuality are still being worked out.

Lutherans and Catholics bury the hatchet for Reformation’s 500th

Martin Luther, founder of Germany’s Protestant (Lutheran) Church, nailed his 95 theses to the church door in Wittenberg. Religion News Service file photo

Lutherans and Catholics have pledged to celebrate together the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation in 2017, with both sides agreeing to set aside centuries of hostility and prejudice.
