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Is support for Israel waning among evangelicals?

Christ at the Checkpoint conferences, held in Bethlehem, have drawn a variety of speakers from the local Palestinian and Messianic communities, as well as from international Christian circles. The stated mission of the 2014 conference: To challenge evangelicals to take responsibility to help resolve the conflicts in Israel-Palestine by engaging with the teaching of Jesus on the Kingdom of God.

American evangelicals have played a significant role in U.S. support for Israel; by some measures they are even more supportive than American Jews.

Raspberries and communion

(Image by by Anja/Pixabay)

On Holy Week we gather to celebrate communion along with the Christian church throughout the world, as Jesus invited us to do. As we do so, we remember how Jesus shared the last supper with his disciples in the intimacy of the upper room; all dipping in the same dish with him, without knowing the full significance of the event, and unaware of how it would be remembered for centuries to come.

Honour Walk has begun

“Honour walkers” Laurens Thiessen van Esch, Ann Heinrichs, Brad Langendoen and Nathan Thorpe, joined by their supporters. (Credit: Deborah Froese/Mennonite Church Canada)

On March 6, ‘honour walkers’ Laurens Thiessen van Esch, Ann Heinrichs, Brad Langendoen and Nathan Thorpe were joined by 16 supporters on the campus of Canadian Mennonite University (CMU) as they prepared to leave Winnipeg on their way to Stoney Knoll, Sask.

Christian leaders urge dialogue with Nigeria’s violent Boko Haram

Clerics have pressed Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan, pictured here in Nairobi, to use the state security services against the militants. (Credit: Fredrick Nzwili/Religion News Service)

For five years, bombs and bullets from Nigeria's Islamist group Boko Haram have ripped through churches and their members, raising concerns over the security of Christians in majority Muslim regions of the country.
