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COMMENTARY: Faith communities on the front line of refugee aid

Syrian children participate in a World Vision remedial education program in Jordan. They are tutored in subjects like math, Arabic and English to help the catch up on the school they’ve missed fleeing the violence. (RNS photo courtesy World Vision)

Dominating the news on World Refugee Day (observed on June 20, 2014), the annual commemoration of displaced peoples were photos and videos of people fleeing Syria and Iraq.

Where the Red and Assiniboine converge

Native Assembly is a biennial event co-hosted by Mennonite Church Canada and the Mennonite Church Manitoba Partnership Circle. Planners for the 2014 Winnipeg event include, from left to right: Norman Meade, Neill von Gunten, Jeff Friesen, Terry Zimmerly, Melanie Kampen, Sam Bergen, Edith von Gunten, Steve Heinrichs, Pat Palson, Dorothy Fontaine, and Ingrid Miller. (Credit: MC Canada)

For thousands of years, Indigenous peoples from across Turtle Island regularly gathered where the Red and Assiniboine rivers meet in Winnipeg. From July 28-31, North Americans from all cultures, ethnicities and age groups are invited to the campus of Canadian Mennonite University in Winnipeg for Native Assembly 2014.

Who should Mennonites cheer for in soccer’s World Cup?

The Netherlands team star striker Robin Van Persie (#9), who scored two goals in the opening game on June 13. (Provided by author)

Bill Schroeder

The Netherlands! At least ethnic Russian Mennonites should, those whose ancestors came to Canada primarily in the 1870s, 1920s, or 1950s and still form a good portion of the Canadian Mennonite population.

Project explores connection between language education and peacemaking

Cheryl Woelk coordinates the Language for Peace website project.

Words are powerful, which is why the Language for Peace project aims to explore how Anabaptist and other philosophies of peacemaking are incorporated into various language courses – Spanish, German, Korean, French, English, etc. – in North America and around the world.

Mennonite World Conference Assembly to meet July 21-26, 2015

Each day of the PA 2015 will begin and end with singing—by the thousands of attendees, as well as by international choirs. (Credit: Merle Good)

Opportunities for visiting will fill the days—from small discussion groups each morning, to mealtimes, to relaxing in the Global Church Village in the afternoons. (Credit: Merle Good)

Storytelling and meditations will be shared by speakers from all of the continents. (Credit: Merle Good)

Mennonites, Mennonite Brethren, and Brethren in Christ of North America have invited sisters and brothers from around the world to come to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, in a little more than a year from now—July 21-26, 2015.
