Webinar: "Building Mutual Understanding Between Community and Police"

Event Date: 
Wednesday, February 19, 2020

The Zehr Institute for Restorative Justice, a program of the Center for Justice and Peacebuilding at Eastern Mennonite University, is offering the following webinar:

Building Mutual Understanding Between Community and Police

How do you authentically recognize deep, historical trauma of communities, the trauma police face, and work collectively to foster collective responses to violence that are trauma-informed and build out sustainable relationships for healing and prevention of further trauma? This webinar will discuss Equal Justice USA’s approach to the relationship between community and police in Newark, NJ through "From Trauma to Trust," a 16-hour training with community members and police to build mutual understanding of trauma. It will explore how deep conversations on historical trauma, and the trauma of officers, can foster trauma-informed responses to violence that are community-driven and reduce harm for those most vulnerable and marginalized.

Click here to register: https://zehr-institute.org/webinars/understanding-between-community-poli...

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