Congolese Mennonites celebrate 100 years of God’s faithfulness
Fifty-some young musicians walked nearly 100 miles carrying their drums, luggage and a few babies to attend the centennial celebration of Communauté Mennonite au Congo—CMCO (Mennonite Community in Congo), July 16-22. For a week, the choir members from Djoko Punda, one of the first Mennonite mission stations in this central African country, travelled along rugged…
Rejoice with the Congolese
It is much too easy in these days of self-examination as Anabaptist Christians in the 21st century to punish ourselves for colossal blunders when “spreading the gospel” here and around the world in the last century. Such could be the case as we celebrate, with what is the Africa Inter-Mennonite Mission and its predecessors, 100…