Food distribution helps widow reclaim dignity
For Sara Doua of Bamako, Mali, receiving a three-month ration means she no longer has to go door-to-door asking her neighbours for food.
Rempel launches her new book, Please Pass the Faith
Elsie Rempel, Mennonite Church Canada Formation Consultant, launched her new book, Please Pass the Faith, at Mennonite Church Canada Assembly 2012 in Vancouver. The book explores “spiritual grandparenting” as an intentional way to share faith with the next generation in a world full of distractions and busy schedules. Spiritual grandparenting is more than taking an…
The best coach I ever had
The spring after I turned 15, Sam cornered me in the hallway of Steinmann Mennonite Church and said, “You’re playing church league ball this summer.” It was more of an instruction than an invitation, and thus began my relationship with Sam Gingerich, my ball coach. Sam was a bit of a legend in the church…
Chiara House
When Andrew, a new Christian in Little Flowers Community Church, tragically took his life, it shook the church to its core. Pastor Jamie Arpin-Ricci said it was the death of Andrew, who had untreated mental health issues and was bouncing between various housing options when he took his life, “that opened our eyes to the…
Impulsive generosity
In his book Money, Sex and Power, Richard Foster tells this story: “A doctor once asked a very wealthy patient, ‘What on earth are you going to do with all of that money?’ The patient replied, a bit reluctantly, ‘Just worry about it, I suppose.’ The doctor went on, ‘Do you get that much pleasure…
Calling and praying for our church leaders
When Mennonite Church Canada’s Assembly 2012 drew to a close, so did my four-year term as Moderator of Mennonite Church Canada.
Readers write
Can church conflict find reconciliation?
For discussion
1. What anniversary celebrations has your congregation participated in? How are these celebrations similar to or different from the one held in the Democratic Republic of Congo this summer? What is the value of these celebrations? 2. Why do you think missionaries 100 years ago had such a strong motivation to share the good news…
Congolese Soccer and Song
When a Belgian school inspector needed to recruit singers for the 1958 World’s Fair in Brussels, he entrusted the task to two missionary women, one of whom was Lodema Short. Short served from 1947-1981with Congo Inland Mission, now Africa Inter-Mennonite Mission (AIMM). Her musical abilities, her organizational skills and her relationships with hundreds of students…