
  • Adding friends and funds

    Adding friends and funds


    Shekinah Retreat Centre, located in the North Saskatchewan River Valley, hosted its annual Move-A-Thon fundraiser on Sept. 17, with 120 people participating in the volunteer-led event. Participants were invited to…

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  • A walk through Mennonite history

    A walk through Mennonite history


    A new trail, spanning almost 55 kilometres across southeastern Manitoba, has been created by a group of Mennonites. The Peace Trail was dreamed up and implemented by the EastMenn Historical…

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  • Praising God in our neighbourhood

    Praising God in our neighbourhood


    Three Mennonite Church B.C. congregations joined together for the annual Neighbourhood Fall Festival on Sept. 11. First United Spanish Mennonite, Vancouver Vietnamese Mennonite and Sherbrooke (English & Korean) churches invited…

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  • Stories by the shore

    Stories by the shore


    After a rainy day on Aug. 30, about a hundred guests enjoyed a balmy evening on the shore of Lake Ontario, listening to stories shared by various Mennonite Central Committee…

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  • The sweet solace of polarization, Part 1

    The sweet solace of polarization, Part 1


    I knew I would eventually have to interview my neighbours who staunchly resisted COVID-19 mandates and proudly supported the Ottawa trucker convoy. Actually I have many such neighbours. But it…

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  • Westgate appoints new principal and vice-principal

    Westgate Mennonite Collegiate kicked off the 2022/2023 school year under new leadership, after long-running principal Bob Hummelt retired this summer. The independent school in Winnipeg, Man., appointed James Friesen as…

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  • Why more Canadians are leaving a gift to charity in their wills

    Why more Canadians are leaving a gift to charity in their wills

    We are lucky. Supporters of Canadian Mennonite are thoughtful individuals, who share an interest in faith-based journalism and are committed to building a better future. Often people think about contributing…

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  • Change ahead

    Change ahead


    I once knew a young child for whom change was extremely difficult. Whether the change came as a surprise or whether the child anticipated the happy results of an expected…

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  • Faithful constancy

    Faithful constancy


    He might be the youth leader, enthusiastically singing the loudest, or the young mother protectively watching over her children as they run among the pews, or the strong-willed divorcée who…

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  • Readers write: September 19, 2022 issue

    Readers write: September 19, 2022 issue


    Two editorials lauded Re: “Two things not up for debate” and “Acting ‘a little strange’ ” editorials, May 16 and June 27, respectively. What a great editorial. You are expressing my…

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  • A narrative of hope

    A narrative of hope


    This fall is unlike any fall in my memory. As a new Mennonite pastor, I am entering this fall listening to the hearts and minds of the congregation at Foothills…

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  • Zollikon church

    Zollikon church


    For a few brief months in spring 1525, the first Anabaptist congregation flickered to life in this house in Zollikon, a village on the edge of Zurich, Switzerland. According to…

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  • A tale of two clans

    A tale of two clans


    This summer, I attended two family reunions separated by one week. The Olferts, my paternal family, gathered at Pike Lake for several days, while the Warkentins, the maternal side, met…

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  • Climate imagination

    Climate imagination


    Faith and imagination go hand in hand. Addressing climate change decidedly requires both. Can Christians imagine a different world that takes better care of creation and all human brothers and…

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  • Grasping God’s glory

    Grasping God’s glory


    Sometimes I wish God would indisputably appear in some fantastically obvious way, eliminating my wrestling, struggling and doubt. Something like what happens in II Chronicles 7: “When Solomon finished praying,…

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  • Canadian Mennonite online event will explore Indigenous-settler reconciliation

    Canadian Mennonite online event will explore Indigenous-settler reconciliation


    The second event in a series of online discussions that Canadian Mennonite is hosting will take place on Zoom on Wednesday, Oct. 5 at 8 p.m. ET. Hosted by Aaron…

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  • ‘Under the tall, tall trees of Camp Valaqua’

    ‘Under the tall, tall trees of Camp Valaqua’


    From July 31 to Aug 4, 132 youth, sponsors, volunteers, parents and planning committee members from across Canada gathered under the tall, tall trees of Camp Valaqua to learn, worship…

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  • Three youths reflect on their experience at Amplify!

    Three youths reflect on their experience at Amplify!


    Ethan Willms Foothills Mennonite Church, Calgary A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to attend Amplify! at Camp Valaqua. This was an amazing experience for me, and it left…

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  • The power of language

    The power of language


    How have you experienced gendered language? Has certain language hurt you or made you feel welcome and safe? These are some of the questions that students reflected on in a…

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  • Will Braun appointed as CM’s new executive editor

    Will Braun appointed as CM’s new executive editor


    Will Braun will be Canadian Mennonite’s next executive editor. Canadian Mennonite Publishing Service Inc. hired Braun, who has spent the last decade as CM’s senior writer, to lead its magazine…

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