
  • Indigenous-Settler relations

    Indigenous-Settler relations


    Online media manager Aaron Epp and guests discuss practical examples from their own experiences about how reconciliation is happening.  What practical steps are Canadian Mennonites taking in their own neighbourhoods…

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  • April Yamasaki named editor of ‘Rejoice!’

    April Yamasaki named editor of ‘Rejoice!’

    April Yamasaki has been named by MennoMedia as the new editor of the quarterly devotional magazine, Rejoice!. She replaces Leslie Hawthorne Klingler, who was the editor since 2013. Yamasaki is…

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  • MC Canada leaders promote National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

    MC Canada leaders promote National Day for Truth and Reconciliation


    Today marks Canada’s second-ever National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, a federal statutory holiday that recognizes the impact of residential schools on the country’s Indigenous people. Mennonite Church Canada’s executive…

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  • MDS volunteers begin cleanup in Nova Scotia

    MDS volunteers begin cleanup in Nova Scotia


    Mennonite Disaster Service (MDS) Canada began cleanup work in Antigonish, N.S., on Sept. 30 in response to Hurricane Fiona. That’s when volunteers from the Bethel Mennonite Church in Waterville, N.S.,…

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  • Giving thanks for 25 years

    Giving thanks for 25 years


    Canadian Mennonite publisher Tobi Thiessen and executive editor Virginia A. Hostetler reflect on the magazine’s 25th anniversary: Tobi Thiessen, Publisher Your church may have a tradition of creating a Thanksgiving…

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  • A defining moment revisited

    A defining moment revisited


    In the summer of 2003, as I pondered how to say farewell to a 24-year career as editor of Canadian Mennonite and its predecessor, Mennonite Reporter, a friend suggested I…

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  • ‘We declare to you . . .’

    ‘We declare to you . . .’


    A particular joy this year has been the restarting of events cancelled in 2020 and 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. At my local Mennonite Central Committee relief sale in…

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  • Still happening

    Still happening


    I travelled to Israel/Palestine in the spring of 2008 and wrote about it for Canadian Mennonite. It was, however, the follow-up article where I related the issues to my own…

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  • Two stories about my son

    Two stories about my son


    Having been the B.C. correspondent for two publications over 10 years, it’s hard to choose only one story to highlight. So, I chose two, both involving my son Aaron: “Going…

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  • Visiting congregations

    Visiting congregations


    As I wrapped up my time in 2018, I realized that I had always seen the correspondent’s job as an extension of my calling as a pastor, a calling I’ve…

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  • Tragic story ends in reconciliation

    Tragic story ends in reconciliation


    In 2013, I wrote about the Old Oder Mennonite community near Gladstone, Man., after 13 of its adults were charged with child abuse and 40 children were removed from their…

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  • Inspired by The Land and its caretakers

    Inspired by The Land and its caretakers


    I met Wayne and Carry Dueck in my hometown of Rosthern one morning in August 2019 and followed them out to a property they owned west of Duck Lake, Sask.…

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  • Wonderful gifts

    Wonderful gifts


    Canadian Mennonite has been a gift to Mennonites across Canada and beyond since the first issue rolled off the press 25 years ago. And it has generated gifts for me!…

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  • Fanning Anabaptist fame

    Fanning Anabaptist fame


    A photograph I took dominated the cover of the first issue of Canadian Mennonite 25 years ago. I took it on a Sunday morning, with the camera propped on the…

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  • Readers write: October 3, 2022 issue

    Readers write: October 3, 2022 issue


    Indigenous gifts to the world Re: “Get over being called a ‘settler’ ” letter, June 27, page 7. This letter writer suggests those of us who are descendants of settlers should…

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  • A new chapter?

    A new chapter?


    My family and I entered a new chapter this past week. Shortly after our fourth child was born, I stepped away from my career as a nurse to focus on…

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  • Amish bicentennial

    Amish bicentennial


    You are looking at one of the oldest original photographs in the Mennonite Archives of Ontario, likely taken in 1867. The father and daughter are John (or Jean) and Anna…

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  • 50 years of change

    50 years of change


    I was in Ottawa recently for the anniversary of the church that my parents started 50 years ago. In 1972, we were five families eager to start a new—and different—church…

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  • Water music for the soul

    Water music for the soul


    “Come to the water, living water. Come to the water, come all, singing.” These are the words of Voices Together No. 35, “Come to the Water.” For its composer, Carol…

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  • The Paradox of Enoughness

    The Paradox of Enoughness


    In an episode of the television show The Simpsons, Homer complimented his boss, Mr. Burns, on being the richest person he knew. Mr Burns replied, “Ah yes, but I’d trade…

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