We are delighted to announce that Kathryn Lymburner will become the next publisher of Canadian Mennonite. We’ll include the announcement in our May issue, but I wanted you to know now.
With my term as publisher wrapping up, I look forward to moving on to new endeavours, but I will miss the cross-Canada connections we get to have through CM. I am excited to pass the baton to someone fluent in magazine publishing and digital media and I have full confidence in Kathryn’s ability to navigate the media landscape and help CM flourish in the coming years.
I am also glad to announce that the CM digitization project is almost complete. The entire collection of our predecessor, The Mennonite Reporter, is now available online through the Mennonite Heritage Archive. Still to be added are our earliest issues, published as The Canadian Mennonite in the 1950s and 60s.
Thanks to staff and volunteers at Mennonite Heritage Archive and Conrad Grebel University College library who did the scanning to make this resource available. The volunteers include people with close connections to Canadian Mennonite: our former editorial assistant, Barb Draper; my husband, Harold; and Melody Steinman, whose second article about people with disabilities appeared in our March issue.
You can find past stories or read about our shared history by creating a free account. When I tested out the functionality of the site, I found Kathryn’s mother’s name in the Mennonite Reporter masthead in 1997: Mary Lymburner was on the board of directors, where her daughter would later serve.

Painful situations in Wanda Litwiller’s life taught her that circumstances can impact others in positive ways, even if we don’t know it.

Andy Brubacher Kaethler reviewed Gospel for the poor by Antonio González and came away with renewed commitment an Anabaptist approach to facing challenges.
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