WATERLOO—If you’re under the age of 30 and you like taking photos, the Tamarack Institute for Community Engagement wants to hear from you. The non-profit organization, which helps people collaborate to solve social problems, is putting together a photo show to explain what engaged youth are thinking about and seeing in their communities. Tamarack is inviting young people from across Canada to contribute photos to be considered for inclusion in the show. “We want you to show us your fears and hopes, but we also want you to tell us what your community is going to look like in 2030,” the organization said in a news release. Tamarack currently has three upcoming events where the photo show will be displayed. Photographers whose work is selected will receive up to $500 for the use of their work. Deadline for submissions is Wednesday, Feb. 12, 2020. Visit http://tamarackcommunity.ca/photo-contest for full details.
—Tamarack Institute