Risking introspection
I recently met someone who is new to Anabaptism after decades in other churches.
I recently met someone who is new to Anabaptism after decades in other churches.
“Most of us harbour a degree of financial neurosis, tinged with religious uptightness,” Will Braun, Canadian Mennonite’s resident ranter, says at the start of his latest video.
Follow our pigpen pundit once around the barn on his southern Manitoba farmyard as he explains what really gets his goat about Mennonites and money.
Graysville Mennonite Church and Blumenort Mennonite Church, both in southern Manitoba, have voted to part ways with Mennonite Church Canada and their area church, MC Manitoba. The decisions, made in February and March 2017, respectively, were primarily a response to the resolution passed at the MC Canada assembly last summer related to same-sex matters. Cam Stockford, chair of the Graysville Mennonite church council, said some people in the congregation were troubled that the broader church was so wrapped up in this particular matter.