MC Sask hires Evan Bueckert as interim youth minister
For the next 10 months, Evan Bueckert will be at the helm of youth ministry in Saskatchewan. Bueckert, 30, is half-time associate pastor at Mount Royal Mennonite Church in Saskatoon. He steps into the role after Kirsten Hamm-Epp stepped away from it at the end of August after 11 years. “I’m excited to be working…
‘I hear you, I see you’
“Youth need to experience God for themselves. . . . We need to offer Jesus to our youth,” said Michele Hershberger, a Bible and ministry professor and department chair from Hesston (Kan.) College with experience in youth ministry and postmodern culture, at a recent Mennonite Church Eastern Canada youth workers event. “They need to be…
Before I go
Paul Loewen is wrapping up his time as youth pastor at Douglas Mennonite Church and he’s given the youth he currently works with a unique gift. He wrote and self-published a book entitled Before I Go: Nine Ideas You Should Know and presented each youth group member with a personal copy last month. The book…
Two gifts for our youth
Whenever a congregation gathers to look ahead and contemplate its future, you can be sure that questions about the youth will be raised: Where are they? How can we keep them? We have all likely heard—and possibly have spoken—these concerns in various forms. These are important matters and the church does well to keep them…