Irma Fast Dueck reflects on lectionaries, honesty and worship
As some churches within MC Canada and MC USA embrace the Narrative Lectionary, Canadian Mennonite caught up with Irma Fast Dueck to ask about the use of lectionaries in Mennonite worship. Fast Dueck is associate professor of practical theology at Canadian Mennonite University (CMU) where she has taught for over 30 years. She attends Bethel…
Alberta writing team creates 2024 Advent resources
Seven people from three Mennonite Church Alberta churches pooled their creative talents to produce worship resources for this fall’s issue of Leader magazine. Leader magazine, a MennoMedia publication for MC Canada and MC USA constituents, publishes worship resources for Advent through Epiphany each fall. The resources include calls to worship, readings, hymn and sermon suggestions…
‘A Creative God’ resources explore visual arts in worship in intercultural Anabaptist congregations
A new group of resources on visual arts in worship is available from Together in Worship, an online collection of worship resources from Anabaptist sources. The centrepiece is “A Creative God,” a 45-minute video documentary about how seven intercultural Anabaptist congregations use visual art in worship. “Mennonites have been starved, historically, of visual art in…
Together in Worship launches in collaboration with CommonWord
While Mennonites across Canada and the United States eagerly await the arrival of the new hymnal, Voices Together, hundreds of online worship resources are already accessible to them through a brand new website that launched in November. Together in Worship (TiW) is an online, curated collection of free and downloadable Anabaptist worship resources. It’s also…
Together in Worship website set to launch this fall
“Worship is the beating heart of the Christian church,” says Carol Penner, who teaches practical theology at Conrad Grebel University College and the University of Waterloo. Penner and a team of six volunteers from Mennonite churches across Canada and the United States have spent the last two years creating a website of worship resources with…
Ways to sing together during online worship
One of the most potent ways we cope with hardship is by singing and praying together. Amid the loss of in-person gathering, congregations have shown a tremendous amount of creativity, whether worshiping via video conference platforms such as Zoom, livestreaming a service, or pre-recording the service. While we deeply feel the loss of the ability…
MC Canada congregations offering online worship services
Mennonite Church Canada, in collaboration with its regional churches and their local congregations, will share worship services each week for congregations across our nationwide community of faith. These services are available at mennonitechurch.ca/worshipservices, as well as on regional church websites. The purpose of this collaboration is to help congregations who do not have the capacity,…
Come to the table
For two evenings in March, Sarah Kathleen Johnson led an Anabaptist Learning Workshop focused on the ritual of communion, at Rockway Mennonite Church in Kitchener. Johnson, who is the worship resources editor for Voices Together, the Mennonite worship and song collection currently being developed, led participants from several churches in exploring communion from a variety…