Tag: Witness

  • Open to us a door

    Open to us a door

    When Hymnal: A Worship Book came out in 1992, “What is This Place” was chosen to be the lead hymn in the collection. The first line describes the church building as “Only a house, the earth its floor, walls and a roof . . . , windows for light, an open door.” But when the…

  • Interdependence


    “Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken” (Ecclesiastes 4:12, NIV). Most likely, you have heard these words during a wedding ceremony. Although they are fitting for the marriage context, I would suggest that this verse also speaks to our need for each other. In…

  • What moves you?

    What moves you?

    A big thank you to our 75 participants on 12 teams, and to our generous Mennonite Church Canada family who sponsored these riders in this year’s Ride for Refuge event held in communities across Canada on Sept. 29, 2018. Together, we raised more than $19,500 towards our International Witness ministry. The Ride for Refuge event…

  • Building shalom in the Philippines

    Building shalom in the Philippines

    Joji Pantoja and her husband Dann serve in the Philippines as Mennonite Church Canada Witness workers. Following the September 11, 2001, attack in New York City, Dann in particular felt called as a Christian to work at building peace with Muslims. Speaking at the Mennonite Church Eastern Canada offices on April 4, 2018, Joji explained…

  • ‘Our missionaries’

    ‘Our missionaries’

    More than a decade ago, my family and I were privileged to serve as church planters in southern Italy. We were Mennonite Church Canada Witness workers seconded to what is now Virginia Mennonite Mission, and were financially supported by many friends, family members and our home congregation, Community Mennonite Fellowship in Drayton, Ont. One instance…

  • Witness workers to be funded for the next three years

    Witness workers to be funded for the next three years

    Transition plans, storytelling and navigating change were all part of the Jan. 27-28, 2018, weekend when the Mennonite Church Canada Joint Council convened at Peace Mennonite Church in Richmond. This was the second time that the Joint Council has met since the October 2017 special assembly in Winnipeg. In business meetings, the Council approved a…

  • Going further together

    Going further together

    To put names and faces to these partnerships, Canadian Mennonite’s correspondents across the country have profiled Witness workers and the churches that support them. Following are stories from B.C. and Alberta. You can read stories from Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Eastern Canada here. By Tim Froese, Mennonite Church Canada Partnerships among congregations have been the basis of…

  • What’s up with Mennos and mission?

    What’s up with Mennos and mission?

    About eight years ago, Daniel Pantoja shared the approach he and his wife Joji employed as Mennonite Church Canada Witness Workers in the Philippines: “Toss aside western church culture and rhetoric.” By shaping their approach from a Muslim context, they bridged the gap between perception and Jesus. “Don’t call it church-planting,” Pantoja cautioned then, since…

  • Witness workers bring forth concerns about ‘Future Directions’

    The following is an abridged version of a letter sent to the Future Directions Task Force and Mennonite Church Canada leaders that was signed by all 24 Witness workers in light of the Task Force’s concluding report (commonword.ca/go/469). The report focusses on two central questions: “What is God’s Spirit calling us to in the 21st…

  • Beyond Ourselves:  Partners in China

    Beyond Ourselves: Partners in China

    As a young seminary graduate in 1995, Timothy Zhang became pastor of the Anjing church.  With few material resources, a common reality in rural church settings where most families are subsistence farmers, the Anjing church had little support to offer him. Pastor Timothy worked in almost complete isolation from other church communities and pastors. Making…