MennoMedia: Do not sing together if you are gathering physically for worship
With stay-at-home orders being lifted across much of the U.S. and Canada, churches are thinking about what it will look like to open their doors again. Yet because the COVID-19 pandemic is still very much with us, it is up to churches to consider how to do so safely. While singing is considered vital in…
Sunday morning on Zoom
Church is about to start and the Zoom link doesn’t work! For some reason it keeps sending me to a YouTube video of “Seek Ye First,” and I can’t find my church! I quickly text my pastor husband, who not only leads the service and preaches every Sunday morning, but is also the lone manager…
Mennonites explore virtual worship
“We’ve been thrown out of the boat and now we’re learning to walk on water!” This lighthearted metaphor comes from Cathrin van Sintern-Dick, as she considers changes in congregational life resulting from the novel coronavirus outbreak. Sintern-Dick serves on the regional ministry team of Mennonite Church Eastern Canada, and recently she helped lead an online…