Thousands vaccinated at Indonesian Anabaptists’ Holy Stadium
In multireligious Indonesia, many people have never been inside a church. The pandemic is changing that for residents of Semarang (population 1.8 million) and the surrounding area. In coordination with the local government, police and military forces, the 2022 Mennonite World Conference Assembly host venue JKI Injil Kerajaan (Holy Stadium) is holding a vaccine clinic,…
No religious exemptions from COVID-19 vaccines: MC Canada
Mennonite Church Canada’s executive ministers released a statement earlier this week responding to inquiries from constituents regarding exemption from COVID-19 vaccines. The message, signed by Doug Klassen (Mennonite Church Canada), Garry Janzen (MC B.C.), Tim Wiebe-Neufeld (MC Alberta), Ryan Siemens (MC Saskatchewan), Michael Pahl (MC Manitoba) and Leah Reesor-Keller (MC Eastern Canada), states the following:…
Global Anabaptist family encouraged to donate to vaccination efforts
Tanzania, home to 66, 744 baptized members of Kanisa la Mennonite Tanzania, less than one percent of the population has received vaccination protection against COVID-19. Mennonite World Conference is calling on its members around the world to love their neighbours by donating to UNICEF’s campaign to share coronavirus vaccinations around the world. While some countries…
Will COVID-19 create lasting divisions in churches?
The correlation is unavoidable. Some of the areas with the lowest vaccination rates in Canada are areas inhabited by lots of Mennonites. The Globe and Mail reported on vaccination resistance in the Aylmer area of Ontario, with special mention of Mennonites. The southern Manitoba city of Steinbach made national headlines for a COVID-19 spike and…
T-shirts encourage Mennos to get vaccinated
When Ryan Polinsky designed T-shirts emblazoned with the words “Menno & Vaccinated” at the beginning of June, he intended to sell only a few to his family. He has since sold around 50 shirts, plus other merchandise like mugs, buttons and hats. Dr. Joss Reimer, medical lead for the Manitoba Vaccine Implementation Task Force, even…
False false prophets
Are you ever afraid to say something because it might not be the popular opinion? Do you struggle to muster the courage to speak out within your congregation because you’re worried you’ll offend someone’s well-intentioned but misinformed idea? Do you need encouragement to speak the truth in love, accepting the risk of having the things…
Mennonite leaders weigh in on vaccination
Should Mennonite Church Canada leaders promote vaccines during this public health emergency? That question arose in January when Dr. Theresa Tam, the chief public health officer, met with over 1,300 Canadian faith leaders, including from MC Canada, to encourage them to promote vaccines to their members. Since faith leaders are “trusted voices” in their communities,…