Singing, serving and studying
When summer comes, many churches experience a drop in attendance. But being fewer in number can be an opportunity to try new forms of worship. Singing together This summer, several Mennonite Church Saskatchewan congregations chose to worship in creative and perhaps less conventional ways. For the second summer in a row, Eigenheim Mennonite, located eight…
Summer vacation
To “vacate” means to “leave a place once occupied.” In North America, summer is the time many people choose to leave home and travel somewhere else in order to rest and relax from ordinary work and home responsibilities. This summer we did our usual trip to Manitoba to visit extended family but we added 12…
Summer of my discontent
I have been absent from this blog for a while. I wish I had a grand excuse, like gallivanting around Europe, or road tripping across the country, or building a treehouse for my daughters. But my only excuse is a lack of thoughts and words worthy of this blog. Also, a lack of motivation. But…