Ceremonies of belief
Several years ago, my Russian Mennonite grandmother told me a story about her childhood that I think about often. When she was just a young girl living somewhere southeast of Winnipeg, her parents unexpectedly lost their farmland. With no land, no money and no prospects, they packed their few belongings onto the first train out…
Whose story do we tell?
The adage, “those who do not remember their history are doomed to repeat it,” acknowledges the benefits of looking back in time. Historical reflection not only keeps us from repeating mistakes, it encourages and guides us towards right ways of living and acting. Take my son, for example. Regardless of how many times I asked…
Beginning the New Year with Stories
After a refreshing and relaxing Christmas holiday in Canada, my spouse and I have returned to Harrisonburg, VA to continue our studies at Eastern Mennonite University. While going north in December does not really align with my climate preferences, the draw of family and friends during the Christmas season is strong. At the end of…