Is there such a thing as a Mennonite song?
How many of the songs in our Hymnal: A Worship Book (HWB), and the two supplements Sing the Journey and Sing the Story do you think are Mennonite? What does that even mean? If it means songs that are embraced by Mennonites in worship, well, the answer might be all of them. If it means songs with what…
Grebel sings to bridge gaps and build community
At the beginning of the 2018-2019 school year, students, staff and faculty at Conrad Grebel University College took a deep breath and sang together, first in unison, and then in several different parts to build a new melody. The piece called “We All Sing” was written by Karen Sunabacka, a Grebel prof, and commissioned for…
Voices Together announced as title for new hymnal
The new worship and song collection for Mennonite Church U.S.A. and MC Canada will be called Voices Together. “In early February, more than 900 people responded to a title and cover survey we released via our MennoMedia Facebook page,” says Amy Gingerich, executive director and publisher at MennoMedia. “Of the four title choices offered,…
Singing with the Spirit
“I will sing with the Spirit, but I will sing with understanding.” These words, from I Corinthians 14:15, formed the basis of Marilyn Houser Hamm’s recent music workshop at Nutana Park Mennonite Church in Saskatoon. Houser Hamm, who hails from Manitoba, is well known within Mennonite Church Canada as a musician, music educator, composer and…
On the way to Sängerfest, 1934
A group of 18 young men and women travel in the back of a truck on their way a Sängerfest or song festival in the Didsbury, Alberta, area in 1934. No seatbelts used here! Song festivals were popular in Mennonite circles as a way of gathering to see old friends, enjoy singing four-part harmony music,…