As our life has quite abruptly and drastically shifted, along with everyone’s around the globe, I have been reflecting on our daily rhythm and working at reorganizing our schedule into a work-play-rest rhythm. We used to really enjoy a lazy Saturday with no plans or structure. The kids would play, my husband and I would…
Circles of Sabbath
My hand rested on the shelf of books and I looked at the title of the volume under my palm. It was the same book that I’d remembered. Another time, in the same small library, I’d pulled the book off the shelf and read it straight through in one evening. I’d resolved to live…
Procrastination with a Purpose
Procrastination happens for a reason. A quote I saw once suggested that often, it’s because I don’t give ourselves enough between projects to fully rest and enjoy the sense of accomplishment before starting the next. I feel reluctant to begin something, not because I’m not interested, but because I’m still not finished with the past…
Get more sleep
Arianna Huffington claims that a big problem for women (and men, although she’s focused especially on women) is that we don’t get enough sleep. She even offered a challenge in 2010 to women to try to get more sleep. Why don’t we? The focus on being successful, productive, responsible, or getting things done is a…
The Miracle of Rest
There’s something about being in God’s creation that seems to stretch time. I feel a sense of abundance and re-connection with the Creator of all. Time taken in rest, away from the people-creations which focus on time, money, production, and consumption, I remember who I am, I re-centre my self and life in Christ, and…