What exactly do regional churches and MC Canada do?
Annual congregational meetings are just around the corner, a time when budget lines designated for regional churches are often queried. I’m reminded that many people do not have the history or know the people who stand behind the dollar figures. I’m immensely grateful for the foresight of our elders who founded and supported, both financially…
2020 surpluses help regional churches face 2021
Financial giving from Mennonite Church Canada congregations and individuals was stable in 2020 despite pandemic economic uncertainty. By year-end, the regional church bodies and MC Canada had strongly positive financial results, based on better-than-expected revenue and lower-than-expected costs. In planning for 2021, the regional churches acknowledged continued pandemic uncertainty and directed their 2020 surpluses into…
‘It’s all worship’
Representatives of 107 congregations from Ontario, Quebec and New Brunswick gathered at Steinmann Mennonite Church for Mennonite Church Eastern Canada’s annual church gathering on April 26 and 27, framed around the theme of “Deepening our relationship with God.” There were opportunities to sing and pray, eat and socialize, listen and share, reflect, discern and make…
MC Canada primer
If you care about connecting with the wider Mennonite community but have trouble keeping up with all the conference restructuring and acronyms—so many M’s and C’s—this article is for you. If you form part of the small remnant of church nerds who love organizational charts, you may want to pull out your copy of Martyrs…
Stronger regionalism weakens national church
I have always been part of the Mennonite world, having been called to Jesus Christ in my early years; active in the fellowship of the church throughout my youth; and trained by the church through Canadian Mennonite Bible College, Winnipeg, Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary, Elkhart, Ind., and Colgate Rochester Crozer Divinity School, Rochester, N.Y. I…