Readers write: January 6, 2020 issue
Silver Lake, MC Eastern Canada apologize for not speaking up sooner Re: “Decades-old sexual abuse comes to light.” On Aug. 24, 2018, Canadian Mennonite published a story about the long-term sexual abuse experienced by Ruth-Ann Klassen Shantz over 30 years ago by then Silver Lake Mennonite Camp director Lawrence Pentelow. Shantz had bravely come forward…
Readers write: December 9, 2019 issue
MCC recommendations for new federal government The following is a shortened version of a Nov. 8 letter sent from the Mennonite Central Committee Ottawa Office to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, with copies to the leaders of the four opposition parties. As we look ahead, we suggest a few areas where we see opportunities for growth…
Readers write: November 25, 2019 issue
Planting forests versus fearing the future Re: “Faithful practices on a dying planet,” and “Planting trees, nurturing a dream,” Sept. 30, pages 4 and 16, respectively. I was astounded by the contrast between the despondent lament offered by Gerald Ens in his apocalyptic forecast of the future cloaked in a facade of biblical justification,…
Readers write: November 11, 2019 issue
‘This is our church’ Re: “How to talk about money at your church,” Sept. 30, page 10. I read this Viewpoint piece, which I thought may give me insight into the responsible use of my resources. But Lori Guenther Reesor was actually serious about the church bragging about supporting the church preschool class, the…
Readers write: October 28, 2019 issue
Point:Counterpoint—Differing views on AMBS hiring Re: “Boshart next AMBS president despite expressed concerns,” Sept. 30, page 27. Thanks to Canadian Mennonite for covering the opposition to the Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary (AMBS) announcement about its new president. As the only news source which mentioned this, you showed yourself to be interested in more than just…
Readers write: October 14, 2019 issue
Queer hymns cause deep concern for Ontario churchgoers Re: “Queer hymns now online,” Aug. 19, page 35. The undersigned from St. Catharines (Ont.) United Mennonite Church are deeply concerned about directions our Anabaptist faith is going in. Are we audacious enough to change scripture, the Holy Word of God, and eject the names of…
Readers write: September 30, 2019 issue
Senior aches over ‘what the issue of LGBTQ+ has done’ Re: “Queer hymns now online,” Aug. 19, page 35. This, as I remember it, is my second letter to Canadian Mennonite over the many years. It is disturbing to read this article. Why do we have to change the wording of hymns to suit…
Readers write: September 16, 2019 issue
Reader gives biking story a ‘wow’ Re: “Cycling into the future,” July 22, page 30. I enjoy Canadian Mennonite very much. This story really impressed me. Philip Martin had the smarts to see the need for bike safety for his school pupils; he realized how important it was for young people to learn this, and…
Readers write: August 19, 2019 issue
The message of Jesus is ‘superior and important’ Re: “Reaching out requires letting in,” June 24, page 13. Troy Watson’s column talks about “[t]his barrier is about our subtle . . . sense of superiority” in reaching out to people. First, I think this misses an important command given by Jesus, as recorded in…
Readers write: July 22, 2019 issue
Headline ‘diminishes and sensationalizes’ church article Re: “Church ditches ‘overt religiosity’ to become ‘community resource,’ ” May 27, page 18. We were delighted to connect with John Long-hurst when he expressed interest in writing an article about our recent Calgary Inter-Mennonite Church’s renovation project. We have been grateful for funding from a community foundation to…