Readers write: May 25, 2020 issue
CM writers are fitting followers of innovators in religious toleration Re: “Out of holy weakness, mysterious power arises,” March 2, page 4, and “Making things right,” March 2, page 10. These recent articles in Canadian Mennonite demonstrate the reality of commingling two viewpoints that appear completely different but are closely connected. The writers, Will Braun…
Readers write: May 11, 2020 issue
Don’t confuse a thrift-store receipt with a charitable receipt Re: “Thrift shopper, peacebuilder,” March 30, page 11. This column raises a number of concerns in regards to how some may view donations/tithing, corporations/brands, and the mission of thrift stores: A purchase at a thrift store should not be considered a donation or part of one’s…
Readers write: April 27, 2020 issue
Let Wet’suwet’en exercise their right to self-determination Re: “Who do you support when a community is divided?” Feb. 17, page 20. I appreciate Canadian Mennonite opening up the dialogue on the Wet’suwet’en and Coastal Gas issue from a variety of perspectives. This settler dialogue is long overdue, as Indigenous revitalization of identity, culture and the…
Readers write: April 13, 2020 issue
Reader was ‘struck by’ Easter feature’s deficiencies Re: “Out of holy weakness, mysterious power arises,” March 16, page 4. I am thankful for this article and the attempt to imagine how to talk to 12-year-olds about the crucifixion. It struck me, though, that none of the responses mention the fact that the focus was on…
Readers write: March 30, 2020
MC Canada’s ‘limbs’ are letting its ‘torso’ down Re: “A call to strengthen our core,” Feb. 17, page 4. I am disappointed by the responses of the “limbs” to the cry of the “torso.” We must do better. Doug Klassen, Mennonite Church Canada’s executive minister, was very gentle. Some congregations and nationwide church bodies are…
Readers write: March 16, 2020 issue
Comments on Wet’suwet’en article divided Re: “Who do you support when a community is divided?” Feb. 17, page 20. I believe Ross W. Muir covered the recent blockade in British Columbia by the Wet’suwet’en people very well. What bothers me is that Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT) is taking sides with those who chose to disobey…
Readers write: March 2, 2020 issue
Reader pans new Trumpian Middle East peace plan, favours ‘one state’ solution Having worked in the private agriculture sector with various Middle East countries, including Israel, for 45 years, I submit that one should be pessimistic about the newly proposed American peace plan for the region. It’s high on patronizing cosmetics and low in reality.…
Readers write: February 17, 2020 issue
Church press seeks to report ‘in an honest, balanced fashion’ Re: “Freedom of speech for Christian media?” Dec. 9, 2019, page 9. Putting aside for the moment a rather odd expression for division in the church—“bombing the church”—I have difficulty accepting what Kevin Barkowsky seems to say to us in his From Our Leaders column.…
Readers write: February 3, 2020 issue
Old photo brings back ‘fond memories’ Re: “Moment from yesterday” photo of the Rosengart church in Poland. The picture brought fond memories back. It was my home church. I was baptized in it. I think the church was the only Mennonite church with a separate bell tower. I once pulled the rope in it to…
Readers write: January 20, 2020 issue
High praise from a loyal reader I look forward to reading Canadian Mennonite. The contributions are usually wide-ranging, with sermon-based feature articles that I find uplifting and confirming. The Opinion section with its “Readers write” letters gives me an idea about what and how Mennonite people think. News from Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) brings back…