Readers write: June 7, 2021 issue
Final letters responding to controversial vaccine letter Re: “Reader calls on Mennonites to reject COVID-19 vaccines,” April 12, page 7. I applaud Canadian Mennonite for printing the letter because it highlights the diversity of thought that we find within the Mennonite communities. I was employed in the pharmaceutical industry for nearly 40 years, so, contrary…
Readers write: May 24, 2021 issue
Doctors, prof and more weigh in on controversial vaccine letter Re: “Reader calls on Mennonites to reject COVID-19 vaccines,” April 12, page 7. I am disturbed by the publication of the letter calling on Mennonites to reject the vaccine offered to help people avoid the COVID-19 infection. It contains a lot of misinformation and, as…
Readers write: May 10, 2021 issue
Venn diagram needs political domain Re: “Avoiding an environmental shipwreck,” March 29, page 4. Thanks for Tim Wiebe-Neufeld’s feature article. I applaud his call to both personal and congregational responsibility to make decisions based on environmental considerations. While his colourful Venn diagram shows domains, all of them right and valid, that address a more responsible…
Readers write: April 26, 2021 issue
The value of solar power Re: “Avoiding an environmental shipwreck,” March 29, page 4. A few comments related to Tim Wiebe-Neufeld’s feature on reducing his carbon footprint by using solar panels. Before people run out to buy solar panels in the rest of Canada, they should be aware that Alberta is one of the only…
Readers write: April 12, 2021 issue
Reader calls on Mennonites to reject COVID-19 vaccines Re: “A duty to love our neighbours,” March 1, pages 1 and 18. I am deeply saddened that so many leaders of the Mennonite church are endorsing vaccinations for COVID-19, and that this magazine would print such a one-sided article. Surely there are some leaders who at…
Readers write: March 29, 2021 issue
Fascism by any other name Re: “Committed to seeking a deeper understanding,” Feb. 1, page. 13 It is a good idea that Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) is willing to re-examine the role Mennonites played in National Socialist Germany. One would hope that their findings include a thorough explanation of the reasons why Mennonites found themselves…
Readers write: March 15, 2021 issue
History and generosity ‘should count for something’ Re: “MCC centralizing relief warehouse in New Hamburg,” Feb. 1, page 14. It was reported—as a “no-big-deal” item—that the Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) warehouse in Plum Coulee, Man., will move to New Hamburg, Ont. I live in Plum Coulee, a town of about 1,000 people, and it is…
Readers write: March 1, 2021 issue
A sombre revelation for a former neighbour Re: “ ‘What will happen to us now?’ A son recalls his mother’s experience of the 1918 pandemic,’ ” Jan. 18, 2021, page 24. Living at the parsonage in Osler, Sask., from age 6 to 12, with my own grandparents back in Manitoba, Maria Buhler was our neighbour and she…
Readers write: February 15, 2021 issue
Readers weigh in on MCC’s research on National Socialism Re: “Committed to seeking a deeper understanding: MCC begins research into historical connections to National Socialism,” Feb. 1, page 13. Kudos, Mennonite Central Committee (MCC), for beginning to face part of our history that may be quite shameful. —Craig Anderson (online comment) Thanks, MCC leadership, for…
Readers write: February 1, 2021 issue
Might Jesus have really said ‘Our Mother’? Re: “Gendered images of God,” Nov. 23, 2020, page 23. The committee that worked on the new hymnal, Voices Together, says that “the decisions made about the language used for God may be unsettling for some.” I am one of those. I’m sure we all believe that Jesus…