Readers write: July 28, 2023 issue
In defense of dandelions I feel compelled to suggest, in a brotherly fashion, that Brother Buddy Andres re-examine his “different strokes for different folks” stance vis-a-vis dandelions, in which he wishes for a heaven without dandelions (June 30, letters). Is there a more splendid example of Compositae inflorescence than the dandelion? Is there a more…
Readers write: June 30, 2023 issue
Column about Holy Land draws response In response to Randy Haluza-DeLay’s June 16 column, “Not talking politics in the Holy Land,” Canadian Mennonite received over 70 identical copies of the letter below. The form letter was posted on the website of HonestReporting Canada, which describes itself as, “an independent grassroots organization promoting fairness and accuracy…
Readers write: June 16, 2023 issue
Springfield Heights process flawed I want to thank Canadian Mennonite for the report on Carman Mennonite Church and Springfield Heights Mennonite Church leaving Mennonite Church Manitoba (“Two congregations withdraw from MC Manitoba,” May 5). As a member of Springfield Heights, I would like to point out and add that I was extremely saddened and disappointed…
Readers write: June 2, 2023
Puff U2’s “One Tree Hill” is a hymn that is both grief-laden and hope-filled, a hope shaped by Christological themes (“U2’s Mennonite string section,” May 5). I was looking forward to reflections on the intersections between the faith and spirituality of U2 and Mennonite faith and spirituality. That would have been rich. What I experienced…
Readers write: May 19, 2023 issue
Perfection In response to various recent articles and letters about banning and cancel culture: Most of what I’ve seen, heard or read about cancel culture appears to define it as the denigration of those whose actions or ideas may fall short of perfection, by those who believe they have attained it. —John Hildebrand, Mississauga, Ont.…
Readers write: May 5, 2023 issue
Reader finds assurance in the Holy Spirit’s presence Troy Watson has exposed us to the topic of the Holy Spirit among us as believers, in his April 7 column, “Many Christians do not believe in the Holy Spirit.” The presence of the Holy Spirit gives us comfort, guidance, conviction and much joy. Let’s discuss it…
Readers write: April 21, 2023 issue
The religion of peace The week the F-35 fighter jet was on the cover (Jan. 30), I had pulled an antique book of sermons off the shelf that my wife had from her grandmother. Published in 1896, it is titled The Message of Peace by R.W. Church. It was written within memory of the U.S.…
Readers write: April 7, 2023 issue
Adjusting to ‘no longer being dominant’In his “Is the ban back?” editorial in the March 13 issue, Will Braun encourages readers to “ask Mennonite professors, pastors, students and magazine editors if progressive backlash keeps them from voicing questions they consider important.” I thought I would go on the record stating that I have only ever…
Readers write: March 24, 2023 issue
Alvin Baroro On page 6 of the Feb. 13 issue is a picture mentioning two people’s names and identifying another as “an Indigenous coffee grower.” Please do better than that and offer all equal dignity by making the effort of having all the names. —Harold Penner, Arnaud, Man. (Arnaud Mennonite Church) Editor’s note: Good point.…
Readers write: March 13, 2023 issue
Convenient pacifism In response to “Conscientious” (Jan. 30): Wherever religious Mennonites locate in the world, security is usually provided mostly by others. Others suffer and die in their place, while Mennonites denounce their work, reap the benefits and are secretly grateful. If Mennonites acknowledged everyone’s dependence on compromise solutions and participated in those solutions, their…