Readers write: March 12, 2018 issue
Lenten prayer sheet reflects Lululemon spirituality A friend recently sent me the new “Lenten Guided Prayer Experience,” issued by the Mennonite Spiritual Directors of Eastern Canada. It is a curious document, symptomatic of what regularly circulates in the pages of Canadian Mennonite and passes for theology in many congregations. I mean here a sort of…
Readers write: February 26, 2018 issue
God’s graciousness is ‘prior to our faith and love’ Re: “We know who we are,” Jan. 1, 2018, page 8. I find myself agreeing with Willard Metzger but wishing he had said more. I would say that God’s love for us precedes our love for God as the basis of the church’s unity; love for…
Readers write: November 20, 2017 issue
More responses to Maple View’s paid supplement on sexuality Re: “Honour God with Your Bodies” insert, Sept. 25. I find myself in the awkward position of defending my theological adversaries. I think the publication of the Maple View statement was appropriate. The authors of the statement have communicated their sincere concern to sister congregations…
Readers write: July 3, 2017 issue
Speaker sets the record straight on the Ziffernsystem Re: “Singing by the numbers,” May 22, page 32. It was good to see a report on my participation in the annual meeting of the Mennonite Historical Society of Saskatchewan. However, the report presents a somewhat confusing picture of my message. Perhaps the simplest way to approach…
Readers write: Jan. 20, 2014 issue
Nelson Mandela: We all love a hero Politicians and celebrities need saints to lean on. And so it was this time around, that after Nelson Mandela died all the most important politicians and celebrities of the world lined up for interviews to say they had met him, had had coffee with him or had been…
Readers write: Oct. 17, 2011
Impact of Menno H. Epp will last Re: “Longtime Bible school teacher/pastor dies,” Sept. 19, page 30. The tribute to Menno H. Epp immediately prompted my own. It may be that Epp carried distinct genetic traits, which shaped his character and inspired his passion for the Christian way. To me, he was his own person,…
Readers write: September 5, 2011 issue
Treasurer defends MC Canada cutbacks Re: “MC Canada applauded for unpopular cutbacks” letter, July 11, page 8. I’m heartened to hear that letter writer Jake Rempel is going to send more money to Mennonite Church Canada to help run its programs. I am, however, disheartened by his comment that MC Canada and other church organizations…
Readers write
Homosexuality: Not what God intended Re: “Sexual inclusivity motion to be presented at national assembly,” May 30, page 15. I realize that the matter of sexual inclusivity within the Mennonite church has likely “crossed the Rubicon,” and there will be no turning back. The church community has constitutions, statements of faith and practice, and doctrinal…
Readers write: July 11, 2011 issue
MC Canada applauded for unpopular cutbacks Re: “‘The signs are clear,’” April 4, page 18, and, “‘With sadness and lament,’” May 2, page 15. I applaud Willard Metzger and the Mennonite Church Canada board for the cutbacks they have announced recently. They did what was necessary, even though not popular with staff. I will increase…