Readers write: June 24, 2019 issue
Where is the ‘just and redemptive path forward’ for Dalton Jantzi? Re: “MC Eastern Canada apologizes for causing pain to abuse survivors,” May 13, page 16. It appears to me that this article is all about Mennonite Church Eastern Canada protecting itself due to its publication errors and not about the victim or Dalton…
Readers write: June 10, 2019 issue
Carbon answers Re: “Carbon questions” letter, April 29, page 8. Carbon is created in stars and distributed through the universe as dust, which, in turn, forms the next generation of stars and their planets. Carbon is one of the most abundant elements in the universe and the 15th most abundant element in the Earth’s…
Readers write: May 27, 2019 issue
Easy to sympathize about abortion, but hard to rationalize it Re: “Can we talk about abortion?” April 29, page 10. In reading Melissa Miller’s column, it is easy to sympathize with the women who are in a position to make such a decision. It is easy to rationalize abortion. However, does our rationalizing supersede what…
Readers write: May 13, 2019 issue
A shotgun is ‘a tool to put meat on the table’ Re: “Swords into ploughshares, guns into art,” March 4, page 23. A great sculpture. Irian Fast-Sittler does great work; keep it up! But I do have a problem with Paul Dyck calling this old shotgun a “weapon.” When I was a young boy, living…
Readers write: April 29, 2019 issue
Story makes you wonder why church is actually leaving Re: “Church of the Way to leave MC B.C.,” March 4, page 15. The article says Church of the Way is joining the Evangelical Free Church of Canada (EFCC) because of the “Being a Faithful Church” resolution. I found it interesting that the article does…
Readers write: April 15, 2019 issue
Mennonite camps exist outside of Ontario and Manitoba Re: “Focus on Camping,” Feb. 18, pages 23-28. One might think from reading these stories that no Mennonite camps existed west of Manitoba. We know that’s not the case, so maybe a better title would have been “Focus on Camping in Eastern Canada.” —Linda Wiebe Dickinson,…
Readers write: April 1, 2019 issue
Thoughts for the Easter season The season of Lent and Easter is a time of mystery and power. God is much bigger and more than a warm security blanket wrapping the Earth, and bigger than the whole solar system. In fact, it is not like God lives in some corner of the universe. Rather,…
Readers write: March 18, 2019 issue
Should Thrift Store purchases be ‘designated’ to First Nations communities? Re: “MCC Canada cuts Canadian programs to focus on advocacy,” Feb. 4, page 14. This article raises some serious concerns regarding Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) Canada’s Indigenous programming. Executive director Rick Cober Bauman indicates that less Thrift Store income and more money designated overseas…
Readers write: March 4, 2019 issue
Author Miriam Toews a ‘two-trick’ pony Re: “Modern ghosts of a horse-drawn scandal: Pt. IV,” Nov. 26, 2018, page 18. Unfortunately, Miriam Toews has only two themes she writes about: fundamentalist Mennonites and the mental illness that runs in her family. I read A Complicated Kindness when it was first published and presented it…
Readers write: February 18, 2019 issue
Colombian reader moved by CM feature article Re: “Holding hands with the FARC,” Jan. 7, page 4. I read this story with tears and with profound sentiments. I’m part of a Colombian generation that has lived a life tormented by a not-recognized civil war. My whole life was often crossed by news or sadness…