Readers write: January 24, 2022 issue
Talking will hopefully lead to learning Re: “ ‘We might learn something’ ” letter, Dec. 6, 2021, page 8. I definitely agree with Henry Bergen’s comments concerning our need to talk about vaccinations. I am also “fully vaccinated” and have friends and family members who are not. I do not see blaming and shunning the unvaccinated as…
Readers write: October 11, 2021 issue
Idea of defunding the police based on false premises Re: “Defund the Police?”, Sept. 27, page 4. This response is not addressed to the generalizations made in this article (police “don’t prevent crime,” “officers spend most of their time…,” and “police are very effective at turning people into our enemies”), but to several premises in…
Readers write: July 3, 2017 issue
Speaker sets the record straight on the Ziffernsystem Re: “Singing by the numbers,” May 22, page 32. It was good to see a report on my participation in the annual meeting of the Mennonite Historical Society of Saskatchewan. However, the report presents a somewhat confusing picture of my message. Perhaps the simplest way to approach…