MWC holds online prayer hour on Pentecost
“There is lockdown and physical distancing, but even so, we can meet in prayer,” said Hanna Soren, a member of the Mennonite World Conference (MWC) Deacons Commission, who offered a prayer at the close of the organization’s first online prayer meeting on May 31. “From different countries, we can come together and pray together in…
‘Being the church together’
Mennonite Church Canada is donating $50,000 to the Global Sharing Fund operated by Mennonite World (MWC) to help MWC-member churches struggling because of the COVID-19 global pandemic. Sister churches in Asia, Africa and Latin America, which make up 81 per cent of MWC members, are requesting aid from MWC because they do not have enough…
Too much news?
These are days of information overload. There is so much news to follow! Local, regional, national, international, from this part of the country and from that part of the world. It is hard to cope with how much news there is, and with how overwhelming it feels. News stories with an emotional catch lead me…
MWC hires new chief development officer
Shirley Redekop began as chief development office, a half-time role at Mennonite World Conference (MWC) on March 23. An American living in Canada, she brings a range of competencies in the field of development as she joins the team working at MWC’s office in Kitchener, Ont. She has served several roles in her local congregation,…
Watch: Anabaptists worldwide respond to COVID-19
How is COVID-19 affecting Anabaptists worldwide? How does our faith offer hope in this uncertain time? Mennonite World Conference (MWC) is updating its YouTube channel regularly with videos featuring church leaders from around the globe, explaining how the pandemic is impacting believers where they live. MWC is offering these for congregations to share on their…
Mennonite World Conference cancels event, meetings in B.C.
With the World Health Organization using the word “pandemic” to describe global infection from the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), Mennonite World Conference leadership has cancelled the March Renewal 2027 public event and April executive committee meetings that were scheduled to take place in Abbotsford, B.C. “We are cognizant of our global witness,” says César García, MWC’s…
Teaching peace across Asia and around the world
Name any region in Asia and chances are that Wendy Kroeker has done peace work there. Kroeker, an assistant professor of peace and conflict transformation studies at Canadian Mennonite University in Winnipeg and the academic director of the Canadian School of Peacebuilding, has almost 30 years of experience mediating, teaching and peacebuilding in the Philippines,…
MWC adds members to its global team
A composer, health manager and auto mechanic—all church leaders—have joined the Mennonite World Conference team. These newly appointed volunteer regional representatives complete the team that helps MWC and its member churches maintain close connections to encourage one another in following Jesus. They represent MWC to these churches by sharing information about resources and news from…
MWC delegation visits churches in Hong Kong
A joint delegation from the Peace and Deacons commissions of Mennonite World Conference (MWC) visited three Mennonite churches in Hong Kong, other denominations and some educational institutions, to offer solidarity and to respond to the request for further perspectives on Anabaptist peacemaking. The delegation members included Joji Pantoja, the Peace Commission chair and Mennonite Church…
Watch: Mennonite World Conference’s year in review
A new video highlights what happened in the Mennonite World Conference (MWC) in 2019. Released in advance of Anabaptist World Fellowship Sunday, which takes place this weekend (Jan. 19, 2020), the five-minute video explores MWC’s pursuit of “justice across barriers,” as well as the work of its four commissions. The video introduces the theme for…