Global Youth Summit leaders conducting national survey
Mennonite World Conference’s Global Youth Summit (GYS), an international assembly that provides a platform for young Anabaptists adults, aged 18 to 30 years, to share insights and learnings, has given delegates the task of conducting a national survey to amplify the voices of young Anabaptist youth and adults relating to this year’s theme, “Life in…
Many languages, but one in Christ
Brethren in Christ church members in Zimbabwe still use their Mennonite World Conference (MWC) global assembly bags from 2003 to carry their Bibles to church. “The [MWC] logo always reminds me that the whole world is one in Christ despite the many languages,” says Donna Ndlovu, who hosted a couple from India in her home…
Six reasons to attend the 2022 MWC Assembly
Are you wondering whether or not to attend the upcoming Mennonite World Conference Assembly in Semarang, Indonesia, which takes place July 5-10, 2022? John D. Roth’s new book, A Cloud of Witnesses: Celebrating Indonesian Mennonites, includes six reasons why you should consider participating. Old Town, Semarang. (Photo by Karla Braun) 1. Come to the MWC…
Training begins for Indonesia 2022 volunteers
With only 10 more months to prepare, and gathering limitations still in place, the Mennonite World Conference (MWC) Assembly 2022’s Indonesian planning committee presses on training volunteers virtually. In May 2021, the committee coached 60 people (20 per synod) as volunteer trainers, with the hope that each trainer would teach another 20 to 60 volunteers…
Thousands vaccinated at Indonesian Anabaptists’ Holy Stadium
In multireligious Indonesia, many people have never been inside a church. The pandemic is changing that for residents of Semarang (population 1.8 million) and the surrounding area. In coordination with the local government, police and military forces, the 2022 Mennonite World Conference Assembly host venue JKI Injil Kerajaan (Holy Stadium) is holding a vaccine clinic,…
Is church online for good?
“We’re all going through the same storm, but we’re not all in the same boat. Context is everything.” These words, spoken by a North American pastor, address the divergent responses to the global COVID-19 pandemic. Many congregations in Canada and the United States continue to experience restrictions on in-person meetings, while others have had the…
God works in digital ways
“The growth of digital platforms has increased the awareness of what our [Mennonite World Conference] family is doing during the pandemic,” said Carlos Martínez García, Executive Committee member for Latin America and the Caribbean at the triannual Executive Committee meeting in April. “I realize a greater awareness that we are a global community.” With continuing…
How to join the MWC family
“Hello. How can I join you?” This question often comes through the social media accounts of Mennonite World Conference (MWC). But what does it mean to be a member of MWC? MWC exists to be a global community of faith in the Anabaptist tradition, to facilitate relationships between Anabaptist-related churches worldwide and to relate to…
MWC joins ecumenical week of prayer one year into COVID-19 pandemic
A year after the World Health Organization declared the spread of COVID-19 a pandemic, Mennonite World Conference is joining the World Council of Churches and other Christians in a week of prayer March 22-27. The week will invite a time of prayer and reflection on both the lament and the hope expressed and experienced across…
MWC continues pastoral response to COVID-19
In the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic last year, stories poured in from Mennonite World Conference (MWC) member churches about job losses and hunger in their congregations and communities due to shutdowns. MWC began collecting funds to respond to pandemic-related needs within and through the household of faith. A year into the pandemic, MWC…