Tag: Mennonite Church Canada

  • MC Canada and CPT send team to Unist’ot’en

    MC Canada and CPT send team to Unist’ot’en

    Mennonite Church Canada, together with Christian Peacemaker Teams, has responded to an invitation to accompany Unist’ot’en Camp in Wet’suwet’en Territory. This past Friday, May 28, a group comprised of CPTers and members of MC Canada arrived at the camp in northern B.C. The team members are: Rachelle Friesen, Canada Coordinator, Christian Peacemaker Teams; Allegra Friesen…

  • MC Canada: Pray for church in Colombia

    MC Canada: Pray for church in Colombia

    Late yesterday afternoon, Mennonite Church Canada released the following call to prayer, written by Jeanette Hanson, director of international witness: This week our siblings in faith in Colombia are asking us for prayers regarding the wave of protests and violence that has broken out across the country. Protesters took to the streets and called for…

  • Peace Africa nurtures relationships between Christians and Muslims

    Peace Africa nurtures relationships between Christians and Muslims

    “Peace Africa explores how the global Mennonite community can support peacebuilding initiatives between Christians and Muslims in African countries,” says Tany Warkentin, Mennonite Church Canada’s liaison to ministry in Africa. Dave Hubert from Lendrum Mennonite Church in Edmonton started the initiative after hearing Siaka Traoré, a church leader from the Evangelical Mennonite Church of Burkina…

  • Raise hard truths and turn toward healing

    Raise hard truths and turn toward healing

    In their new book Healing Haunted Histories: A Settler Discipleship of Decolonization (Cascade Books, 2021), authors and life partners Elaine Enns and Ched Myers confront hard truths about settler complicity in historic and ongoing injustices perpetrated against Indigenous peoples. They also offer a way toward healing. Through the lens of Enns’ own Mennonite family narrative,…

  • Looking for applicants . . . and donors

    Looking for applicants . . . and donors

    Mennonite Church Canada is renewing its call for applicants to the Company of 1000 Study Reserve fund and also for people to become regular donors to the fund. The Company of 1000 fund provides forgivable loans to students planning to join ministry after they graduate from a post-secondary school. It also provides grants that cover…

  • Heinrichs launches online book club

    Heinrichs launches online book club

    Mennonite Church Canada’s Indigenous-Settler Relations program is running a five-week online book club beginning this April. The chosen text is Beloved Amazonia, a courageous collection of documents from the Pan-Amazon Synod, including an “apostolic exhortation” to the church from Pope Francis. “Carrying the wisdom cultivated from consultations with more than 80,000 people in the Amazon,…

  • Mennonite leaders weigh in on vaccination

    Mennonite leaders weigh in on vaccination

    Should Mennonite Church Canada leaders promote vaccines during this public health emergency? That question arose in January when Dr. Theresa Tam, the chief public health officer, met with over 1,300 Canadian faith leaders, including from MC Canada, to encourage them to promote vaccines to their members. Since faith leaders are “trusted voices” in their communities,…

  • MC Canada: ‘Pray for the people of Myanmar’

    MC Canada: ‘Pray for the people of Myanmar’

    Mennonite Church Canada calls on the nationwide community of faith to pray for the people of Myanmar. Pray also for our Myanmar siblings here in Canada. They are deeply concerned for their loved ones and the effect that recent actions will have on peace within Myanmar. Myanmar’s military has seized power and detained democratically elected…

  • MC Canada responds to Capitol Hill violence

    MC Canada responds to Capitol Hill violence

    Mennonite Church Canada has released a statement and prayer in response to Wednesday’s violence on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C.: “As leaders of Mennonite Church Canada and its regions, we pray for our siblings in Mennonite Church USA and, together with them, lament the escalation of violence that led to Wednesday’s events on Capitol Hill.…