Tag: Mennonite Central Committee

  • MCC B.C. inviting cash donations in response to massive flooding

    ABBOTSFORD, B.C.—In reaction to massive flooding in southern British Columbia, Mennonite Central Committee B.C. is inviting cash donations to its B.C. Flood Response. Donations will aid those impacted by heavy rains and flooding. The organization is not at this time inviting donations of goods or material aid. “Our response is still in the process of…

  • MCC releases research findings on historical entanglements with National Socialism

    MCC releases research findings on historical entanglements with National Socialism

    Mennonite Central Committee has released the findings of its research on the organization’s historical entanglements with German National Socialism (or Nazism) and its legacy before, during and after the Second World War. Articles examining this history are available in the fall 2021 issue of Intersections: MCC Theory and Practice Quarterly. Over the past few years,…

  • Mennonite Central Committee releases federal election guide

    Mennonite Central Committee releases federal election guide

    In the lead up to the federal election, Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) has released an election guide to help people have conversations with their candidates and communities. The guide is available online now on MCC’s website. “We believe that governments should maintain a just and peaceful social order,” says Bekah Sears, policy analyst and government…

  • MCC responds to bombing in Gaza

    MCC responds to bombing in Gaza

    Nighttime was the hardest for Mahmoud Alhalimi. With the electricity cut and bombs falling, the hours were dark and loud, as he tried in vain to help his two young children fall asleep. “They asked me all the time, ‘What are these sounds? Are they coming to our home?’” he says of their time during…

  • One piece at a time

    One piece at a time

    There was no peace in Anju Shaw’s life. For 20 years, she endured constant abuse and neglect at the hands of her husband and then her husband’s parents. She had no support, no one to speak for her or listen to her. She didn’t think the police would care about her—if they believed her at…

  • Watch: 100 years of MCC in Europe

    Watch: 100 years of MCC in Europe

    A video published on YouTube last month chronicles Mennonite Central Committee’s 100-year history in Europe. The 11-minute video, which you can watch below, tells the MCC story, beginning with its first beneficiaries: refugees and families affected by war and famine in southern Russia in 1920. Toward the end of the video, MCC area directors James…

  • New MCC dignity kits offer support for vulnerable women and girls

    New MCC dignity kits offer support for vulnerable women and girls

    The newest Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) resource kit will support vulnerable women and girls with dignity. The new dignity kit contains hygiene and sanitary items tailored for women and girls who don’t have ready access to the items they need, including eco-friendly, washable menstrual pads and liners. The first shipments of the dignity kits have…

  • Practising restorative justice in a nightgown

    Practising restorative justice in a nightgown

    My wife and I live in a triplex in the Montréal borough of Hochelaga, in the eastern part of the island. One of our sons, who does not live with us, usually leaves his bicycle, as well as his son’s smaller one, locked to our front porch when they visit us. The other night, it…

  • Boxes of food help people affected by Beirut explosion

    Boxes of food help people affected by Beirut explosion

    Eight of Alice Joubanian’s grandchildren—all under eight years old—lived with her and her daughter in a Beirut camp for Armenian refugees when a massive explosion of ammonium nitrate rocked the city on Aug. 4, 2020. As the sound and power of the explosion destroyed buildings and killed about 200 people, Joubanian’s daughter, Maria Berberian, ran…

  • MCC initiates research into historical connections with National Socialism

    MCC initiates research into historical connections with National Socialism

    Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) has initiated research into how national socialism (Nazism) shaped the contexts in Europe and Paraguay where MCC operated in the 1930s and ’40s, and how, at the time, MCC engaged with the German National Socialist government and worked to resettle Mennonite refugees from the Soviet Union. At MCC’s invitation, 11 academic…