MCC begins 2022-2023 meat canning season
As Mennonite Central Committee begins its 2022-2023 meat canning season, the need for food in Ukraine and other countries around the world is growing. In Ukraine, millions of people have been displaced, and many are without access to food, water and healthcare since the Russian military invaded in February. This summer, MCC’s Ukrainian partner organizations…
MCC Ontario cancels meat canning efforts for 2022
Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) Ontario has cancelled its meat canning events in Leamington and Elmira for the third year in a row. The April events were nixed due to staffing shortages and an inability to get the meat canner across the border from the United States due to the COVID-19 pandemic. “We are very disappointed,”…
MCC Ontario cancels meat canning efforts for 2015
KITCHENER, ONT.—Just weeks before it was scheduled to begin work in Ontario, Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) Ontario cancelled its 2015 meat canning events in Leamington and Elmira in April. According to Bob Lebold, MCC material resources coordinator, despite yearly updates to the 23-year-old canner trailer, it did not meet safety requirements this year. “A new…