Under the sparkling stars
The carol “O Little Town of Bethlehem” paints a Christmas card picture of the ancient town of the Nativity: sparkling stars lighting quiet streets, a Holy Baby resting in a manger as the townspeople sleep, unaware. That idyllic view was replaced by a fuller perspective when my family moved to Israel in 1996. What drew…
MC Canada calls for prayer for Ethiopia and Eritrea
Meserete Kristos Church (MKC) held a nationwide fasting and prayer for peace on Nov. 16. “Believers are still praying for peace, individually and collectively,” they announced. “At present, our hope is in God alone. We kindly request the Mennonite families in North America and around the world to pray for our country. We need peace…
Does the church have varicose veins?
The Oct. 24 Mennonite Church Canada study conference asked the question: “Does the church have legs?” The consensus of conference presenters, based on mini-interviews posted prior to the event, was “yes.” I’m trying to tame my cynicism, but that answer seemed too easy. I know people who would say “no.” I don’t usually participate in…
Embodying God’s mission with authenticity
“Table talk: Does the church still have legs,” the 2020 Mennonite Church Canada study conference, is a virtual event happening on Oct. 24. Plenary speakers from MC Canada-affiliated schools will share on themes of ecclesiology, worship and mission. For the five-person team planning the conference, these themes are essential for this time, as the global…
MC Canada study conference goes virtual
Mennonite Church Canada is moving ahead with its first study conference in October 2020. Titled “Table Talk: Does the Church Still Have Legs?”, the conference will examine what it means to be the church and the role of worship. It will be held on Saturday, Oct. 24, 2020, through Zoom, a virtual-meeting platform. “Our separation…
Web of connections
In these days of pandemic responses we are continually reminded by public health officials that our individual actions affect our neighbours and that we are responsible for protecting those around us. We are connected. This reminds me of the web of connections I witnessed during my ministry with Mennonite Partners in China (MPC). Over the…
Menno leaders publish Holy Week letter
The executive directors of Mennonite Church Canada and Mennonite Church USA (MC USA) have published a letter of encouragement to constituents this week during the COVID-19 pandemic. The letter—which you can read below—acknowledges the unusual circumstances and challenges surrounding this year’s Holy Week, while offering a message of hope and unity. Doug Klassen (left) and Glen Guyton.…
MC Canada congregations offering online worship services
Mennonite Church Canada, in collaboration with its regional churches and their local congregations, will share worship services each week for congregations across our nationwide community of faith. These services are available at mennonitechurch.ca/worshipservices, as well as on regional church websites. The purpose of this collaboration is to help congregations who do not have the capacity,…
Watch: Worship led by MC Canada leadership
Doug Klassen, executive minister for Mennonite Church Canada, has recorded a sermon for churches to use during this time of social distancing. It is expected that many congregations will not meet on Sunday, March 22, and for several Sundays afterward, to limit the spread of COVID-19. MC Canada created the video in recognition that leadership…
MC Canada offers pandemic preparedness web resources for congregations
As of March 11, the World Health Organization is now describing the global outbreak of the coronavirus COVID-19 as a pandemic. This move is not to incite fear but to motivate governments to ramp up their preparation efforts before the virus spreads more quickly in their own countries. Mennonite Church Canada has updated web resources…