Building connections in Japan
Finding ways to help Japanese and Canadian churches connect with each other is one goal of a pastoral couple serving in Japan after years of ministry in British Columbia. When Gerald Neufeld, pastor of Mennonite Japanese Christian Fellowship in Surrey, B.C., and his wife Rie felt a call to return to Japan, their family moved…
Where are they now?
When Mennonite Church Canada Witness workers Greg Rabus and Jennifer Otto landed in Lethbridge, Alta., in 2018, with their sons Alex, and Ian, they were not sure what their new home was going to be like. From 2012 to 2018, the young family had served as church planters and then community builders together with the…
Why I care about climate change
My peace and reconciliation ministry is motivated ultimately by my love of the Creator, my service to Christ and my submission to the Comforter. Yet, I also have familial motivations for the vision, mission and activities to which I’m committed—they are my family, especially my grandchildren. What I’m doing now is a grandfather’s attempt to…
Interim International Witness director to begin on Aug. 1
Jeanette Hanson, associate director for Mennonite Partners in China, will begin as interim director of Mennonite Church Canada’s International Witness program on Aug. 1. Jason Martin. (MC Canada photo) Hanson will ensure ongoing support for Witness workers and give appropriate attention to new and emerging initiatives. She replaces Jason Martin, who will conclude his service as…
Watch: International Witness update
Mennonite Church Canada has released a video that provides an update on its International Witness ministry. The video was shown at regional church gatherings over the past few months and posted to YouTube. Watch it below. The video introduces viewers to MC Canada’s 11 Witness workers, summarizes the new funding model for Witness and concludes with an invitation to…
What moves you?
A big thank you to our 75 participants on 12 teams, and to our generous Mennonite Church Canada family who sponsored these riders in this year’s Ride for Refuge event held in communities across Canada on Sept. 29, 2018. Together, we raised more than $19,500 towards our International Witness ministry. The Ride for Refuge event…
Spiritual snapshots of the U.K. and Africa
Mike and Cheryl Nimz: United Kingdom Mike and Cheryl Nimz do not fit typical missionary scenarios, but neither does their mission field conform to stereotypes. As Mennonite Church Canada Witness workers living in Birmingham, England, since 2013, their assignment is to nurture Christian groups in a post-Christendom urban setting as part of an emerging Anabaptist…