Witness workers in China return to Canada
After 30 years of serving in Hong Kong, Macau and the mainland of China, Witness workers Tobia and George Veith are returning to Canada. Tobia most recently taught at a Chinese university and George developed Anabaptist resources for use in the church in China. The Veiths have been spending time over the past few weeks…
Web of connections
In these days of pandemic responses we are continually reminded by public health officials that our individual actions affect our neighbours and that we are responsible for protecting those around us. We are connected. This reminds me of the web of connections I witnessed during my ministry with Mennonite Partners in China (MPC). Over the…
Glimpsing the face of God
Why are we doing international ministry? As I engage with people in many regional churches I often get this question. It is my favourite question. Don’t ask unless you are prepared for my long answer, but I can also point you to the answers of others for a shorter version. The Ministry Initiative Development Guide…
Why I care about climate change
My peace and reconciliation ministry is motivated ultimately by my love of the Creator, my service to Christ and my submission to the Comforter. Yet, I also have familial motivations for the vision, mission and activities to which I’m committed—they are my family, especially my grandchildren. What I’m doing now is a grandfather’s attempt to…
Interim International Witness director to begin on Aug. 1
Jeanette Hanson, associate director for Mennonite Partners in China, will begin as interim director of Mennonite Church Canada’s International Witness program on Aug. 1. Jason Martin. (MC Canada photo) Hanson will ensure ongoing support for Witness workers and give appropriate attention to new and emerging initiatives. She replaces Jason Martin, who will conclude his service as…
Watch: International Witness update
Mennonite Church Canada has released a video that provides an update on its International Witness ministry. The video was shown at regional church gatherings over the past few months and posted to YouTube. Watch it below. The video introduces viewers to MC Canada’s 11 Witness workers, summarizes the new funding model for Witness and concludes with an invitation to…
Building shalom in the Philippines
Joji Pantoja and her husband Dann serve in the Philippines as Mennonite Church Canada Witness workers. Following the September 11, 2001, attack in New York City, Dann in particular felt called as a Christian to work at building peace with Muslims. Speaking at the Mennonite Church Eastern Canada offices on April 4, 2018, Joji explained…
‘Our missionaries’
More than a decade ago, my family and I were privileged to serve as church planters in southern Italy. We were Mennonite Church Canada Witness workers seconded to what is now Virginia Mennonite Mission, and were financially supported by many friends, family members and our home congregation, Community Mennonite Fellowship in Drayton, Ont. One instance…
South Korean Mennonite partners pave the way of peace
Though Jae Young Lee doesn’t think the recent North Korean shelling of South Korea’s Yeonpyeong Island will lead to full-scale war, as Peace Program Coordinator for the Korea Anabaptist Center (KAC) he is alarmed by what is happening in both North and South Korea. “I think it is seriously time for all of us—Koreans and…