Secondary identities
The first identity of a follower of Jesus is “a follower of Jesus.” The church is an alternative city within the city, a new way of being human and being part of a people centred on Jesus. Any other cultural or personal markers may be important, but they must be secondary. If we believe there…
New church launches in Kelowna
The new year has brought a new church to the Glenmore area of Kelowna, and it has given an old church building new life. Valley Road Church, a ministry of Mennonite Church B.C., held its first worship service on January 7 with Jordan Pilgrim as pastor. Pilgrim relates a remarkable story of how this new…
Affirmation of new executive minister highlights B.C. AGM
The affirmation of a new executive minister highlighted the annual meeting of Mennonite Church B.C. at Peace Mennonite Church in Richmond on Feb. 25. Ninety-eight percent of delegates approved the appointment of Shelby (Shel) Boese as executive minister, following an extensive search by the five-member search group. Boese and his wife Anne were introduced, welcomed…
Leaving a legacy of good works
In his 15 years as executive minister of Mennonite Church B.C., Garry Janzen ordained, preached, led, coordinated and worked to inspire the pastors and congregations of the regional church. Now, as he looks to retirement, he reflects gratefully on his years in the position. Although the title is executive minister, Janzen says, “I’m one who’s…
Thoughtful and prayerful changeovers in ministry
Sometimes it is just best for the previous person to get out of here and let the new person start with a clean slate. Some say that pastors and denominational leaders should just give a month or two notice and then leave, and sometimes this may be what is best. When I said that…
Individual donations trend up within regional churches
Individuals increased direct giving to their regional church in year two of the COVID-19 pandemic. The growth is contrary to the experience of secular charities. According to the CanadaHelps fifth annual Giving Report, charitable giving fell an estimated 12 percent between 2019 and 2021. In contrast, individual donations to Mennonite Church Canada’s regional churches grew…
Advent 2021 a time of sharing in MC B.C.
Congregations in Mennonite Church B.C. have been observing Advent in various ways through December. Yarrow United Mennonite celebrated First Advent, the Sunday of joy, with a bulletin display set up in the church foyer. Church members could write what brings them joy on the display to share with others. At Cedar Valley Church in Mission,…