Wisdom, where art thou? (Pt. 3)
One of the most overlooked fruits borne in the life of someone who genuinely follows the way of Jesus and lives in the Spirit, is wisdom. If we put into practice what Jesus teaches us, we will become increasingly wise. Wisdom was central to Jesus’ identity, even as a child. The only passage of Scripture…
Wisdom, where art thou? (Pt. 2)
A school teacher asked her class of first graders, “What colour are apples?” Some children said “red!” Others exclaimed “green!” A few said “yellow.” Then one little boy raised his hand and said, “Apples are white.” The teacher patiently explained that apples could be red, yellow or green, but never white. However, the boy insisted.…
Wisdom, where art thou? (Pt. 1)
One of the devil’s tactics in the temptation of Jesus, recorded in Matthew 4 and Luke 4, intrigues me. In this story, Satan takes Jesus to the holy city of God, into the house of God, and uses the Word of God to distort the truth of God and oppose the will of God. The…
The pursuit of truth (Pt. 9)
Consider the possibility that truth is not a thing or group of things (e.g. ideas, facts, doctrines, etc.) but a Spirit. This seems to be the apostle John’s understanding. For instance, he repeatedly calls the Holy Spirit the Spirit of truth (Jn. 14:17, Jn. 15:26, Jn. 16:13 1 Jn. 4:6) and in 1 Jn. 5:6…
The pursuit of truth (Pt. 8)
In John 14:6, Jesus claims that he is the truth. What does this mean? I used to think that the truth of Christ was a set of doctrines I needed to believe in, but I’ve become convinced that it is actually his state of consciousness and his way of life that we are now called…
The pursuit of truth (Pt. 6)
In an article entitled “Has militant atheism become a religion?” published on Salon.com (March 24, 2013), primatologist Frans de Waal writes, “In my interactions with religious and nonreligious people alike, I now draw a sharp line, based not on what exactly they believe but on their level of dogmatism. I consider dogmatism a far greater…
The pursuit of truth (Pt. 5)
The first prime minister of Singapore, Lee Kuan Yew, once said, “I always tried to be correct, not politically correct.” Sometimes the pursuit of political correctness and the pursuit of truth are at odds with one another. The heart of the politically correct (PC) movement is good. It is a call to extend compassion, dignity…
The pursuit of truth (Pt. 4)
In my experience, Mennonites live by the adages “Actions speak louder than words” and “Faith without works is dead.” One of the things that drew me to Anabaptism was its emphasis on “walking the walk” more than “talking the talk.” I was raised in a church in which passionate shouting was the hallmark of faithful…
The pursuit of truth (Pt. 3)
The way many Canadians understand and talk about truth has changed. Some Christian thinkers believe the church needs to change how we understand and talk about truth as well, if we are to engage our fellow Canadians in meaningful conversations about God and faith. This shift would need to begin with the church acknowl-edging and…
The pursuit of truth (Pt. 2)
I can’t imagine two scientists debating something of a scientific nature and concluding, “Well, you have your truth and I have mine.” Yet this attitude is quickly becoming the norm when discussing matters of spirituality in Canada today. Why is that? It comes from the idea that science deals with objective reality and faith deals…