A simple prayer
God, our Mother and our Father, Jesus Christ, Holy Son, Holy Spirit, our Comforter. We offer our gratitude, for you are with us. You are familiar without struggles and joys, and still you draw near to us. You are Holy. We offer you gratitude for your sustaining love, For the relationships made and being made, For our…
Marching for justice
In his famous address at 1984 Mennonite World Conference, in Strasbourg, France, Ron Sider described shalom as “being in right relationship with God, neighbor and the earth.” Shalom, he said, “means not only the absence of war, but also a land flowing with milk and honey. It includes just economic relationships with the neighbor. It…
Care for creation and environmental justice
When Bob Lovelace, a chief of the Ardoch Algonquin of Northeastern Ontario, wrote about his people’s struggle over uranium exploration on their land, he did so from a Canadian maximum security prison. To protect their traditional territories from uranium exploration, the Ardoch Algonquin had set up roadblocks. For his part in the nonviolent resistance, the…
Patterns of Empire
While living in the United States, I thought a lot about J. Nelson Kraybill’s “Apocalypse and Allegiance: Worship, Politics, and Devotion in the Book of Revelation” and I’ve referred to it here and here on this blog already. I read it shortly after it came out while I was on a personal retreat in Pennsylvania.…