Tag: In the Image

  • But then there’s those snakes

    But then there’s those snakes

    Our lives—Holly’s and mine, that is—changed to a significant degree. Our oldest granddaughter, Maeve, who is 19, has moved into our home. Maeve comes to us from Ontario, where she left her family behind to begin the next portion of her life. And it is good. Maeve is interesting, passionate, stubborn and opinionated. Yes, she…

  • The benefits of a hamlet

    The benefits of a hamlet

    Someone suggested I apply for a pastoral position in a church in a large Canadian city. My ego liked that quite a lot. Then I gave it some thought. The whimsical welding project that has mostly held me in thrall this summer is created with metal salvaged from oilfield leftovers. In my zeal to recycle…

  • The pack of smokes on my mantel

    The pack of smokes on my mantel

    On my mantel stands a pack of smokes. It’s in a place of honour. It’s probably been 50 years since I last purchased cigarettes for my own use. It’s a phase that came and went quickly. I’m good with that. A week ago, I attended a gathering at Stoney Knoll, a short distance northwest of Laird,…

  • A sign of the presence of God

    A sign of the presence of God

    Several months ago, I bleated piteously about a diabetes diagnosis. That has moved forward well, managed by diet, exercise and pills. Alongside, however, has come a new struggle with balance, dizziness and nausea. (To you medical folks, no, it’s not a sugar low.) A doctor and a therapist are working with me. Again, moving forward…

  • Saying goodbye, then hello again

    Saying goodbye, then hello again

    From 1992 to ’95 I worked at Rosthern (Sask.) Junior College as dean in the men’s dormitory. It was my first step away from the farm. I was 40 when I moved there, and the experience was rich and challenging. It was rich in that I was reminded that we are created in the holy…

  • A precious gift

    A precious gift

    I visited an elderly friend in a small-town hospital. Gaining permission to see “Esther” (all names are pseudonyms) involved a slight untruth, but it was merely a sin of omission, as I simply withheld “retired” when I identified myself as her minister. I slept reasonably well that night. Esther had fallen and experienced an awkward…

  • We are now family

    We are now family

    Some years ago, the person who shares my life experienced a blip in her physical well-being. This resulted in Holly spending several days in hospital. One result of that experience was encountering a couple whom we will call “Bill” and “Anne.” They are, I suppose, about our age, which slots them into their seventh decade.…

  • ‘Our framing story’

    ‘Our framing story’

    The Jan. 10 bulletin at Tiefengrund Mennonite Church included the following church family news: “Ed Olfert has officially retired and is now living the good life! In other news, Ed was taken to hospital on Wednesday and was subsequently diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and now has to alter his diet and take pills/insert needles…

  • The kingdom of heaven now

    The kingdom of heaven now

    At the end of the infamous year 2020, I retired from pastoral ministry. Again. We’ll see if it “takes” this time. Looking back, I am reminded that, at different times in my ministry, I have been impassioned by different scriptural concepts. The passion that drew me into ministry was shaped by Isaiah 58:1-9, about a…

  • ‘Touch the hem of her cloak’

    ‘Touch the hem of her cloak’

    I have a friend. Her name is Samantha (a pseudonym). I called Samantha last night and invited her to a church service next Sunday. It will be an Eternity service, during which candles are lit for those in our lives who have died. Samantha assured me she would be there. Samantha is a widow. Her husband…