Tag: From our leaders

  • Church needs to be like a choir

    Church needs to be like a choir

    Happy New Year. In reflecting on the church for 2021, I’ve been impacted by my experience creating virtual choirs—those videos where choristers sing at home, into their phone, and the video and audio from that phone recording get put together into one cohesive choir. I have had a lot of interaction with choristers on how…

  • Growing with our global faith family

    Growing with our global faith family

    In the early 2000s, I sat in the church office of Pastor Wang in southern China. He was lamenting the fact that 300 people from his congregation had signed up to take baptismal classes during services over the Christmas weekend. I tried to encourage him by saying that that number was beyond a Canadian congregation’s…

  • Insiders versus outsiders

    Insiders versus outsiders

    “Teacher,” said John, “we saw someone driving out demons in your name and we told him to stop, because he was not one of us” (Mark 9:38, NIV). John’s exclusionary attitude remains a prevalent attitude in our churches: “You are not one of us!”  Sometimes churches boldly outline the boundaries of membership in their policy…

  • Expert, doubt thyself

    Expert, doubt thyself

    Ever since the arrival of the coronavirus, there have been segments of the church that have been criticized for not taking the pandemic seriously. Christian sceptics and those who criticize them are well-represented on my social media feed. Large religious gatherings, as well as individual congregations, have recently made the news for meeting in defiance…

  • Reaping what you sow

    Reaping what you sow

    As I finish off another growing season on the farm, I reflect on how things grew, what went well, and what to tweak for next year. Aside from our various pastured livestock, I also grow a market garden and, after nine years, I still feel that I have so much to learn. With each season,…

  • Faith is so much more

    Faith is so much more

    The youth of the Mennonite church are often on my mind, and over the years, they have secured a place in my heart. It has been total joy and privilege to share time and space with them at national gatherings, regularly in my ministry within Mennonite Church Manitoba, and through the sharing of stories in…

  • It’s been a feast!

    It’s been a feast!

    “Find us empty and wandering . . . find us in the wilderness, and fill us with your feast.” This lyric by Phil Campbell-Enns, pastor of Home Street Mennonite Church in Winnipeg, is from a song that was chosen for the first Mennonite Church Canada online worship service on March 22. At the time, it…

  • Practising prayer with the Psalms

    Practising prayer with the Psalms

    My kids are old enough to start playing ball, and weekly practices and physically distanced games are a regular part of the Barkman routine. In high school, I was a catcher, and Christina played third base, so we want our kids to grow into confident athletes. That means they are learning to practice. Continuous repetitions…

  • ‘The long wait’

    ‘The long wait’

    “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven: A time to born and a time to die . . . .” (Ecclesiastes 2:1-2). Over the years, I have come to refer to the process of dying as “the long wait.” Although it is true that we begin dying the…

  • Worship is what I need

    Worship is what I need

    During a Zoom call a month or so ago, a pastor friend mused, “Is worship all we have left?” Our virtual meet-up—all folks involved in congregational leadership—had been sharing various strategies we had tried to carry on with Sunday morning worship services. Many have clicked into the Mennonite Church Canada nationwide services. Others have recorded…