Tag: From our leaders

  • Dear MC Saskatchewan:

    Dear MC Saskatchewan:

    In 2018, Mennonite Church Saskatchewan began a three-year journey called “Deepening our walk.” In year one, we opened ourselves to encounters with God’s presence by “Deepening our walk with Christ.” This theme grew out of an awareness that, if we desire to live well in this day of turmoil and uncertainty, we need to re-centre…

  • Expressions of encouragement

    Expressions of encouragement

    Over the years, I’ve attended many youth gatherings, even organized a few. But none were like the one I attended on Sept. 20, 2019, when the Manitoba Youth for Climate Action called students to gather for a Die-In in Winnipeg. In solidarity, I and a number of Mennonite Church Manitoba pastors stood on the sidelines…

  • No longer predictable

    No longer predictable

    The church we inhabit today is a lot different than the one I grew up in. Whether it was an English congregation or a German one, the worship services tended to have a familiar look and feel. “Mennonite” was somewhat predictable.  No longer! The worship debates of the 1970s and ’80s pale in comparison to…

  • An incessant demand

    An incessant demand

    “Where are you, Mennonites?” A colleague and I are in a Winnipeg café discussing the current land struggles of many Indigenous peoples. I listen intently as she speaks of the Unist’ot’en, Muskrat Falls and the Tiny House Warriors. I nod my head in understanding and offer affirming murmurs. But then, halfway through tea, she looks…

  • Freedom of speech for Christian media?

    Freedom of speech for Christian media?

    What is our responsibility as followers of Jesus to media outlets? Secular media outlets have a freedom-of-speech right to publish whatever their editor thinks will draw consumers to them. However, do Christian media outlets have the same right to freedom of speech? Or are Christian media outlets obligated by their personal walk with Jesus and…

  • ‘Where there is no vision…’

    ‘Where there is no vision…’

    “Not another visioning process” was a common reaction when I presented the idea of a year of visioning and discernment at Mennonite Church Alberta’s 2018 annual delegate sessions. The restructuring of MC Canada meant a shift in responsibilities for MC Alberta, and a focus on congregations as the centre of mission. What do these changes…

  • I smile because I’m grateful

    I smile because I’m grateful

    There’s canola in my bed and it makes me smile. Perhaps I should explain. Currently, harvest is in full gear. I see my husband at mealtimes (maybe), and when he crawls into bed after combining fields well past the middle of the night. Last night, some canola seems to have crawled in with him, and…

  • Speak Jesus

    Speak Jesus

    In the mid-1960s, Peter Berger and Thomas Luckman coined the phrase “the social construction of reality.” The phrase emphasizes that the world of power and meaning is created through the careful management and manipulation of social symbols. This is done intentionally in a community in order to arrange power and value in certain ways, aimed…

  • Just say ‘hi’

    Just say ‘hi’

    We live in a fearful world. People persecute, slander, ignore, bully and oppress other people. It can be depressing catching the news of yet another hate crime, whether it’s on the other side of the globe, the other side of the border or the other side of town. It’s difficult to know how to respond…

  • Where heaven and earth meet

    Where heaven and earth meet

    The Temple of Heaven is one of my favourite places in China. It was the place where the emperor went several times a year to offer sacrifices and receive wisdom from the spiritual realm, in order to rule wisely. The temple, with its three-tiered, round, blue roof representing heaven, is surrounded by a square courtyard…