The question of camps
“People used to work at camp because it was the right thing to do. They’d say things like: ‘I’d work 18-hour days, was paid very little, never got breaks, took care of kids and had the best time of my life, it was great!’ But that’s less motivating now.” These are the words of Tim…
‘More of a home than my actual home’
A long, long time ago—way back in 1955—Fraser Lake Camp was born in the hearts and minds of three Mennonite pastors: Emerson McDowell, John H. Hess and Glen Brubacher. Their vision was to provide a life-changing, rural camping experience for urban kids. The hope was that even one week of camp could leave a child…
‘A camp cabin is a messy thing’
When thinking of the word “faith,” Silver Lake comes directly to mind. Camp provides me with the space to integrate faith into daily life. Campfire songs, morning and evening reflections, and sessions are all valuable parts of camp that invite faith-based reflection. From being a camper to a counsellor-in-leadership-training, to a staff member, my faith…
Camp and mental health
The summer of 2022 was a re-opening in a multitude of ways. After two summers in various states of restrictions, we were able to be together in all of our spaces and to provide a full spring and summer of camp programs. After spending most of our time with family members and close friends, we…
Connecting with faith at camp
Hidden Acres Mennonite Camp was excited to celebrate 60 years of camp over the past season. It was a season of seeing new things that the Lord is doing, and reflecting on all that he has done over the past 60 years. When I reflect back on the summer, there is an overall feeling of…
2021 was a milestone year for Silver Lake
As with so many organizations, the pandemic was a challenge for Silver Lake Mennonite Camp in 2021. However, we were blessed last summer to have the ability to run camp programs such as the Camper in Leadership Training (CILT) program; overnight camps in August; and day camps in Toronto, Hanover, Hamilton, Kitchener, Leamington, Ottawa and…
Modernized amenities, same old camp feel
Everyone making behind-the-scenes plans for Camp Elim has all their fingers crossed that this year we will get back to running the summer camp programs that we love. After two years on hiatus, we are ready to rally an amazing staff and host campers for what we hope will be the best week of their…
Camp prepares for post-pandemic opportunities
The last two years have been an adventure at the Youth Farm Bible Camp. The summer camp program was on hold for 2020 and at low numbers last year. However, we were able to see other programs grow and impact the constituency we serve. During times of crisis and chaos, we have opportunities to take…
The essential gift of hope
Hope. It’s a command, a gift, a noun, a verb. Of all that matters in life, the Apostle Paul states that hope is one of a trinity of essentials alongside faith and love. When we are loved, faith blooms in our hearts, and when the path darkens, hope keeps us remembering the love we’ve received…
Why camp staffers are coming back
The past two summers have been difficult for summer camps. One of the struggles we face this year is the loss of many of our older, experienced staff. The uncertainties and shorter camp season has meant many of them have had to find other ways to fill the summer months and their bank accounts. Applications…